Just for your information.
『溫故知新』於此控美案的高等法院之言詞辯論,你將能更進一步『解行相應』、『理事俱足』於台灣民政府(Taiwan Civil Government)的所為何事;
你真正的法理身份、地位是什麼, 你知道清楚嗎!?
李 琛 (41, 9 ,1)
Lee Li
The whole court debate hinged on the issue of whether the US holds de jure sovereignty over Taiwan under SFPT. Speaking on behalf of US DOS, legal counsel, Ms. Patterson refuted the proposition that the US retains de jure sovereignty over Taiwan.
Short of recognition of US de jure sovereignty over Taiwan by the US Congress, the Taiwanese people's rights deriving from such recognition are negated.
But we all know that the issue of whether the US retains de jure sovereignty over Taiwan is a red herring thrown in to divert the attention from the real issue at hand.
It is USMG, the military branch of SFPT art 23a principal occupying power of Japan (Formosa, Penghu and art 2f dependencies included) that, owing to the fact of conquest, has SFPT art 4b temporary control over Japanese Taiwan. Not de jure sovereignty, but just military control deriving from conquest until an international treaty deals in due course with the issue of the ultimate status of the area.
From what U.S. DOS, through legal counsel Ms. Patterson, kept the lid on in that court debate, TCG is correct in inferring that US-occupied Taiwan remains an Imperial domain (de jure sovereignty) of Japan.
Constrained by the customary laws of war and by UN-ratified international law, the US has forbidden itself from incorporating its occupied Japanese territory, Taiwan. How could it extand to others (whichever China) its hard won conqueror's right to territorial expansion if it forbids it to itself in the first place?
Stuck with the issue of the disposition of Japanese Taiwan, the US must some day come to terms with the issue. Will it do the right thing right?
In my view, TCG already vouches for it;
Keep the good work.
For Jerome M. Besson ,
In God we trust.
Ms. Patterson(代表美國政府的律師):I believe the treaty(SFPT) is in effect.
The Court(其中一法官): --would the Executive unilaterally change that?
Ms. Patterson:I’m a little shaky.
The Court:If, in fact, the language principal occupying power means that the United States is the de jure sovereign, you’re in trouble.
Mr. Camp(原告上訴律師): the flow of rights
SFPT → the principle occupying power → the rights of the People of Taiwan.
So, I perfer "the principle occupying power" to any type "sovereignty".
For Jerome M. Besson ,
In God we trust.
I'd surround my personal will to divine will, and I'd hope to do the right thing right, hope everything will go swimmingly for the people of Taiwan and Taiwan.
2. May Taiwan be Formosa(May it be)