Dear GU銅心,


以下紅字部分英文的原意您應該是誤解了, 正確翻譯為"自中華人民共和國在西元1949年10月1號成立以來, 台灣從來沒有(whereas at NO time)在任何時期於中華人民共和國的統治之下". 


基於此, 後面您的個人見解有些瑕疵並需要做相關的修正.







發現了兩個1998年通過的決議案 US Senate Resolution 107 (1998) 以及US House of Representatives Resolution 301 (1998),裡面第一段就讓我五雷轟頂 "Whereas at no time since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China on October 1,1949,has Taiwan been under the control of the People’s Republic of China",

原來美國的一中政策裡已經模糊的寫出來台灣一直處在中國的控制下,隨後我又在網路上"台灣人公共事務會"的維基百科裡工作成果的第十二條看到 "1998年7月推動美國國會參、眾兩院分別通過支持台灣決議案—S.Con.R.107及H.Con.R.301"



檢視次數: 845







美國的法律文件都要非常仔細和小心研讀與判讀, 通常都會有非常多的面向, 明示或暗示的元素存在.


也期望官版的頭條也能秉持嚴肅, 專業, 與客觀的審視之後放上公告視以為妥.



whereas at  no time 但是從來沒有 怎麼不翻?而且英文原文還把它放在句頭 是特別強調“從來沒有”!!!


難道你們沒人審核嗎? 我想中央應該要有專人檢視以再度免傷了TCG形象。

Dear GU銅心,




直到昨天看到總統府的公告,馬英九得到艾森豪和平獎的文章,裡面寫到美國國會在1955年通過的《臺灣決議案》(The US Congress Formosa Resolution),讓我知道兩岸已經和談,國共已和解,我便去網路上想要尋找《臺灣決議案》來做為美國佔領台灣之出兵證據



這樣的結論更是百思不得其解. 1954-1955正值台海危機PROC-CCP欲準備對ROC殘存主權領土金門與馬祖採取軍事行動的緊張態勢之下, 何來"兩岸已經和談, 國共已和解"之見解? The US Congress Formosa Resolution整個決議案內容就是針對此PROC-ROC內戰所可能波及到福爾摩沙與澎湖之周邊安全而產生之台海危機所需做的預防軍事準備與措施給予美國總統國會的軍事行動權力認可,並無任何條文牽扯到所謂國共和談和解的任何事項.



The US Congress Formosa Resolution

[Approved by House vote 409-3 on January 25, 1955 and by Senate vote 85-3 on January 28, 1955]

U.S. Congressional Authorization for the President to Employ the Armed Forces of the United States to Protect

Formosa, the Pescadores, and Related Positions and Territories of That Area

Whereas the primary purpose of the United States, in its relations with all other nations, is to develop and sustain a

just and enduring peace for all; and Whereas certain territories in the West Pacific under the jurisdiction of the

Republic of China are now under armed attack, and threats and declarations have been and are being made by

the Chinese Communists that such armed attack is in aid of and in preparation for armed attack on Formosa and

the Pescadores,

Whereas such armed attack if continued would gravely endanger the peace and security of the West Pacific Area and

particularly of Formosa and the Pescadores; and

Whereas the secure possession by friendly governments of the Western Pacific Island chain, of which Formosa is a

part, is essential to the vital interests of the United States and all friendly nations in or bordering upon the Pacific

Ocean; and

Whereas the President of the United States on January 6, 1955, submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent to

ratification a Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of China, which

recognizes that an armed attack in the West Pacific Area directed against territories, therein described, in the

region of Formosa and the Pescadores, would be dangerous to the peace and safety of the parties to the treaty:

Therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

That the President of the United States be and he hereby is authorized to employ the Armed Forces of the United

States as he deems necessary for the specific purpose of securing and protecting Formosa and the Pescadores

against armed attack, this authority to include the securing and protection of such related positions and

territories of that area now in friendly hands and the taking of such other measures as he judges to be required

or appropriate in assuring the defense of Formosa and the Pescadores.


This resolution shall expire when the President shall determine that the peace and security of the area is reasonably

assured by international conditions created by action of the United Nations or otherwise, and shall so report to the


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