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2013年08月26日美國國會發表 : 台灣地位未定 U.S. policy has considered Taiwan's status as unsettled.

美國國會研究服務部 ( CRS ) CRS report number : RL30341
官方文件 :


Kan, Shirley A.
"U.S. Policy on One China" from China/Taiwan: Evolution of the "One China" Policy—Key Statements from Washington, Beijing, and Taipei. Click to read the full-text
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, August 26, 2013 (updated), 31 pages.
"Since 1971, U.S. Presidents—both secretly and publicly—have articulated a 'one China' policy in understandings with the PRC. Congressional oversight has watched for any new agreements and any shift in the U.S. stance closer to that of Beijing's 'one China' principle—on questions of sovereignty, arms sales, or dialogue. Not recognizing the PRC's claim over Taiwan or Taiwan as a sovereign state, U.S. policy has considered Taiwan's status as unsettled. With added conditions, U.S. policy leaves the Taiwan question to be resolved by the people on both sides of the strait: a 'peaceful resolution' with the assent of Taiwan's people and without unilateral changes. In short, U.S. policy focuses on the process of resolution of the Taiwan question, not any set outcome."

CRS report number: RL30341
China/Taiwan: Evolution of the “One China”
Policy—Key Statements from Washington,
Beijing, and Taipei
Shirley A. Kan
Specialist in Asian Security Affairs
August 26, 2013

Since 1971, U.S. Presidents—both secretly and publicly—have articulated a “one China” policy
in understandings with the PRC. Congressional oversight has watched for any new agreements
and any shift in the U.S. stance closer to that of Beijing’s “one China” principle—on questions of
sovereignty, arms sales, or dialogue. Not recognizing the PRC’s claim over Taiwan or Taiwan as a
sovereign state, U.S. policy has considered Taiwan’s status as unsettled. With added conditions,
U.S. policy leaves the Taiwan question to be resolved by the people on both sides of the strait: a
“peaceful resolution” with the assent of Taiwan’s people and without unilateral changes. In short,
U.S. policy focuses on the process of resolution of the Taiwan question, not any set outcome.

SFPT的主要簽約國是大日本和美國以征服者身分簽的條約,谁的立場和觀點才有效?是常識!其他的當作“狗吠火車” 隨空氣忽焉而去!!!



第 1 條 【戰爭狀態結束、承認日本主權】

(a).日本與各聯盟國之戰爭狀態,依據本條約第 23 條之規定,為自日本與各聯盟國之條約生效日起結束。



第 2 條 【領土放棄】




第 4 條 【財產】
(b).日本承認前述第 2 條與第 3 條中美國軍事政府對日本與日本國民財產處分的有效性。


第 23 條 【批准、生效】


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