有關國際條約中出現「relinquish/renounce」放棄和「cede/cession」讓與(割讓),有何不同?茲將國際條約中有關"relinquish", "renounce",及 "cede/cession"之國際條文,摘要整理,讓馬關條約出現的”cede”和舊金山和約中出現的”renounce”,作完整的說明和比較:

1. Treaty of Nanking (August 29, 1842)
Article 3: "......, His Majesty the Emperor of China cedes to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britian, the island of Hong-Kong, to be possessed in perpetuity by Her Britannic Majesty, ....."

讓與的標的:中國對香港治理權(administrative rights over Hong-Kong)

2. Treaty of Shimonoseki (April 17, 1895)
Article 2: "China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the following territories, ....."馬關條約:大清帝國讓與下列領土和全部主權給日本帝國˙˙˙˙

讓與的標的:中國有關領土之完整主權(full sovereignty over territories)

3. Treaty of Paris (December 10, 1898)
Article 1: "Spain relinquishes all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba."巴黎條約:西班牙放棄對古巴主權之主張權和佔享權。


Article 2: "Spain cedes to the United States the island of Porto Rico ........., and the island of Guam ...."巴黎和約第二條:西班牙將波多黎各島˙˙和關島讓與美國˙˙


Article 3: "Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippiine Islands, ......." 巴黎和約第二條:西班牙讓與菲律賓群島給美國˙˙˙


4. Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty (August 22, 1910)
Article 1: "His Majesty the Emperor of Korea makes the complete and permanent cession to His Majesty the Emperor of Japan of all rights of sovereignty over the whole of Korea."日朝倂合條約第一條:朝鮮皇帝讓與完整永久的朝鮮全部主權權利給日本皇帝。

讓與的標的:朝鮮皇帝全部之主權權利(all rights of sovereignty over Korea)

5. Treaty of Versailles (June 28, 1919)
Article 33: "Germany renounces in favor of Belgium all rights and title over the territory of Prussian Moresnet ....."凡爾賽條約第三十三條:德國放棄在Prussian Moresnet領土全部之權力及權利給比利時。

移轉的標的:德國在Prussian Moresnet領土全部之權力及權利(all rights and title over territory)

6. Treaty of Peace with Italy (February 10, 1947)
Article 23: "Italy renounces all right and title to the Italian territorial possessions in Africa; i.e., Libya, Eritrea, and Italian Somaliland."

放棄的標的:義大利對殖民地性質領土之「主權宣有(claim of sovereignty)」所衍生之管轄權及佔享權。

7. Treaty of Peace with Japan (September 8, 1951)
Article 2b: "Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores."

放棄的標的:日本對國土性質領土之「主權權利(rights of sovereignty)」所衍生之管轄權、佔享權及宣有權。

Article 2f: "Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Spratly Islands and to the Paracel Islands."

放棄的標的:日本對佔領地性質之領土的「佔領權利(rights of occupation)」所衍生管轄權、佔享權及宣有權。

8. The Okinawa Reversion Agreement (June 17, 1971)
Article 1: "With respect to the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands, ......................., the United States of America relinquishes in favour of Japan all rights and interests under Article III of the Treaty of Peace with Japan ........"

移轉的標的:美國對琉球及大東群島治理權(administrative rights over the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands)

Synonyms: relinquish, renounce, cede
These verbs mean letting something go or giving up.

relinquish: Which is the least specific, may connote regret.

renounce : Which is to relinquish formally and usually as a matter of principle.

cede : Which connotes formal transfer. (1) to surrender possession of, especially by treaty, (2) to transfer of control of or sovereignty over specific property or territory, especially by treaty, (3) to surrender or give up something such as land, rights, or power, (4) [noun] cession

relinquish: 其放棄的意思最不明確,意味可以反悔。
renounce : 其放棄的意思為正式宣稱放棄,通常為原則上。
cede : 其讓與的意思為正式移轉。

"We do not want another Puerto Rico." (我們不要另一個波多黎各)

可以清楚了解,美國無意在對日和約中,將琉球納為美國領土。因此,琉球即使由美國軍事佔領當局治理達27年之久,其地位並不等同波多黎各,為美國之「未合併(編入)領土(unincorporated territory)」。

"The exercise of the territory-acquiring authority rests with those departments of the Government in which these powers are vested. The Executive, acting alone, can neither add to nor take from the territory the United States. Permanent incorporation of the territory must depend on the Government of the United States."

無論台灣或琉球都未曾被美國政府納為領土,因此,不會逕自依舊金山和平條約,「自動」成為美國「未合併(編入)之領土(unincorporated territories)」。所以,所謂「美國五十一州」的推動者可以休矣。

萬國公法架構內,法理地位同為日本神聖不可分割國土一部份之台灣和琉球,依舊金山和平條約是分別有「主權權利」被放棄或移轉之異動,可是無涉「領土割讓(territorial cession)」,並非如波多黎各和關島之因被「割讓」給予美國,得以歸類為美國之「未合併(編入)領土」。

英文之"cede to"或"make cession to"後面,必存在讓與之「對象」,但是,舊金山和平條約Article 2b架構內,就「主權」而言,台灣領土並無「讓與」任何方;可是,就「主權權利」而言,台灣領土無論是被中國軍事佔領當局,因「分配」或因「代理」而佔領,確實有移轉而異動事實。在戰爭法架構內,征服者是依「征服權」而自然取得「佔領權」,確實是可以暫時行使佔領地之「主權權利」。

"By the conquest and military occupation of Castine, the enemy acquired that firm possession which enabled him to exercise there the fullest rights of sovereignty." 憑著對Castine之征服及軍事佔領,敵方確定取得領土,而得以在當地行使最完整之主權權利。


因此,台灣目前地位如稱以「台灣佔領(Formosa Occupation)」及相對於
「終極佔領(ultimate occupation)」之「過渡佔領(limbo occupation)」,較諸「台灣讓與(Formosa Cession)及懸空讓與(limbo cession)」說法更貼切,也接近事實。實際上,台灣地位只和occupation佔領有關,和cession讓與無關。

波多黎各及關島是因美國對其有主權,得以成為美國「未編入(合併)領土」,台灣及琉球則因和日本只是「事實分離」,並非「法理分離」。美國對台灣並無主權,以致不可能納為「未編入(合併)領土」。所以, 不可造成錯誤make no mistakes,美國佔領期間之台灣或琉球間之關係,應該是受「國際法而非美國憲法」之國內法規範,但是,在恢復台灣正常地位之前,美國憲法內確有「規範」,美國國務院和國防部都應該遵循,美國有責任在「琉規台隨」架構內,實現台灣地位正常化。

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣(民)政府 秘書長
2010/09/08初稿 2013/02/20再論

檢視次數: 1020

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