致 日本駐中華民國(亡命政府)交流協會代表 今井正閣下殿:
TO: The Japanese Interchange Association, Taipei
我們是二戰前的本土台灣人或其後代,願意借這個機會向日本政府和美國政府正式表達『六十六年來的憤怒與不滿』,因為,本土台灣人無國籍,這是違反世界人權公約第十五條之一和 之二的規定,在「林志昇控美案」中,2009年美高等法院已經判定。根據1952年4月28日生效的舊金山和平條約,日本沒有割讓台灣領土給任何國家,日本前首相吉田茂Yoshida Shigeru 於1963年出版「The World and Japan」書中,表明日本只是放棄台灣主權權利而已,尚有台灣領土主權義務存在。因此,美日「安保條款」中,保護內容才能將台灣海峽包含在內。根據國際法,台灣領土及其相關權限,並未轉移給任何國家,為此,沒有任何國家,可以不經過台灣人同意,就任意改變台灣人的國籍。


2009年、林志昇氏の「米政府告訴案」で米高裁が「台湾人は無国籍」との判定が実証するように、我々台湾人は現在「無国籍民族」です。 それは戦後、日本の東京地裁が、世界人権公約第十五条一と二の規定に背いて、台湾人の日本国籍を一方的に廃除したからです。これは国際法の違反行為であります。

日本が放棄したのは、台湾主権(sovereignty)ではなく其の主権権利(right of sovereignty)上の管理権と処分権、及び宣告権のみで、領土主権はどの国にも割譲していません。日本の吉田茂元首相は1963年出版の著書「世界と平和」の中で台湾地位に就いて、「日本政府は領土権利を放棄しただけで、領土の『主権義務』はまだ残されている」と表明しています。それ故、日米安保条約内の保護区域は台湾海峡も含まれ、日本は台湾を他国の侵略から守る

We are the descendants of native Taiwanese persons who were living in Taiwan before the beginning of WWII in the Pacific. We want to take this opportunity to express “sixty-six years of anger and dissatisfaction,” because we are currently stateless in the world community. This condition of statelessness was recognized in Washington D.C. in a March 18, 2008 District Court Decision in the case of Roger Lin et al. v. United States of America, and is in direct violation of the content of Article 15 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed in 1948. According to the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) which came into force on April 28, 1952, Japan did not cede “Formosa and the Pescadores” (aka “Taiwan”) to any other country. Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru wrote in The World and Japan, published in 1963, that his interpretation of the SFPT was that Japan renounced rights of sovereignty over Taiwan in the treaty, but still retained some obligations of sovereignty. According to such an analysis, it directly follows that security arrangements between Japan and the USA should also cover the area of Taiwan. Under international law, Japan still has strong claims to Taiwan territory; moreover, no country in the world can change the nationality of native Taiwanese persons without their consent.


日本と大清帝国は1895年4月17日「下関条約」を締結、清国は台湾と澎湖を日本に永久割譲した。 1945年4月1日、昭和天皇の詔書で、台湾澎湖に明治憲法実施を宣布、台湾澎湖領土は正式に日本の神聖不可分の国土となり、台湾人は内地日本人と同等に参政権が与えられ徴兵義務も課せられたのです。

The United States transported Nationalist Chinese troops to Taiwan in October 1945 to take charge of the period of belligerent occupation. The Nationalist (Republic of China) soldiers and officials overstepped their authority however, and announced a mass naturalization of native Taiwanese persons as ROC citizens on Jan. 12, 1946. In addition, the ROC officials announced that the 460,000 Japanese citizens living in Taiwan were to be repatriated to Japan in nine groups. Such announcements made before any formal disposition of Taiwan territory in the post-war peace treaty are violations of the laws of war. The Soviets committed similar violations when they organized 17,000 Japanese citizens living in the Northern Territories to be repatriated to Japan beginning in the Fall of 1945. As we know, Russia had already ceded the Northern Territories to Japan in an 1855 Treaty, and Qing China had ceded Taiwan to Japan in an 1895 Treaty. As of April 1, 1945, the Japanese Meiji Constitution had already come completely into force throughout Taiwan territory.

日本此次東北關東發生地震和海嘯,死亡一萬多人,台灣人以「一身同體」的感情對日本母國的關懷,難道身為日本駐台代表沒有感覺嗎?馬流亡在台殖民政權是以「痛恨日本人」為出發點,台灣人則是以「服膺日本」為出發點,兩者間截然不同的日本觀,貴 代表想必能嘹解甚深。台灣人不是中國人,法理上,是屬於日本的日本人,是跟日本北方四島地位一樣,台灣在法理上,還是日本領土;台灣人很懷念上屆代表「齋藤代表」勇敢且正義的表現,請代本土台灣人向他致最崇高敬意,也請您站在駐台日本人代表身分上,能替本土台灣人向日本政府要求:「應該盡快奉還台灣人原來的日本國籍。」


日本政府にしっかり認識して頂きたいことは: 台湾人は中国人ではなく、法理上、日本に属する日本人であり、台湾領土も法理上、日本北方四島の地位と同じく未だ日本領土であります。現在の中華民国亡命政権は、米国代理で台湾を管轄統治しているのみで、台湾の領土主権を擁していません。 中華人民共和国と亡命中華民国が「台湾は中国領土の一部である」との主張は




In March 2011, northeastern Japan suffered a major earthquake and tsunami, with a loss of life of over 10,000 persons. Taiwan considers Japan as the “motherland,” to which the people owe allegiance, and thus felt deeply about this disaster. No doubt the officials and staff of the Japanese Interchange Association in Taipei were aware of the outpourings of sympathy from the Taiwanese public. Unfortunately, the ROC government in exile on Taiwan has always promoted a “Hate Japan” policy, and so the difference in their viewpoint from that of the average Taiwanese person is quite pronounced. Native Taiwanese people are not Chinese, and in fact there are strong legal arguments to say that they are Japanese. In a similar manner to the Northern Territories, Taiwan can still be held to be Japanese territory. Naturally, the native Taiwanese people still remember the words spoken by the former Japanese Representative in Taiwan, Saito Masaki, to the effect that Taiwan’s international legal status is undetermined, and believe that he should be praised for this remark. Today, the native Taiwanese people also call on the Japanese Interchange Association to reflect our carefully considered requests to the Japanese government, and request that the Japanese nationality of native Taiwanese persons should be restored at an early date.

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣民政府 秘書長

檢視次數: 529

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