中國給國際的敏惑性(China's Sensitivities)。即將於6月底退休之美國國防部長Robert Gates,2011年6月4日赴新加坡,參加第十屆事關亞洲安全之「香格里拉對話」途中,與美國記者會談時,被問及有關國會施壓軍售F-16 C/D戰機予台灣治理當局事宜,回應稱:
"I would say that I think under both the [former US president George W.] Bush and Obama administrations, we have tried to thread the needle pretty carefully in terms of Taiwan’s defensive capabilities, but at the same time being aware of China’s sensitivities," Gates said. "I think both administrations have done this very thoughtfully and very carefully. By the same token, just as the Chinese are very open with us about their concerns, we are also open with them about our obligations." 蓋茲說:「讓我這麼說,我認為在布希和歐巴馬前後兩個政權下,就台灣之防衛能力問題,我們是試著去非常謹慎地穿針引線,但同時也注意中國之敏感度。我認為兩個政權對此事曾深思熟慮,也小心翼翼地進行。同理,正如中國方面對我方,坦言其顧慮,我方也對他們坦言我方之義務。」
這是美國國防部長Robert Gates在面對即將退休之時,首次說出美國總統歐巴馬,在決定是否出售F-16C/D戰機予台灣治理當局時,會將「中國之敏感度」納入考慮。
就在不久前,中央社華盛頓曾於2011年5月18日報導,中國人民解放軍總參謀長陳炳德,在華盛頓美國國防大學(National Defense University)發表45分鐘演說時,指出:雖然最近幾年以來,中國在國防和軍事上已有長足進展,但與美國軍力相較,仍存在很大差距,中國「從未打算挑戰美國」。陳炳德透過傳譯表示:中國「樂見美國扮演維持和促進亞太地區和平穩定,與繁榮的建設性角色。」陳炳德隨後在回應提問時表示:中國和西方強權美國的軍力,存在20年落差。


雖然無從確認中國從未打算挑戰美國,依美中軍事實力的實際差距,可以確認的是:中國若挑戰美國,是毫無勝算。就此架構,來探討美國國防部長Robert Gates所稱之「中國給國際的敏惑性(China's sensitivity)」:

1. 1979年1月1日所生效之「台灣關係法」,並無明文規定,軍售「台灣治理當局(Chinese Taipei)」應先顧慮中華人民共和國方面感受。

2. 美國自1979年1月1日「台灣關係法(Chinese Taipei)」生效以來,是在中華人民共和國之抗議及反對下,持續軍售台灣治理當局。

3. 美國從來不是畏懼戰爭的國家。事實上,美軍除了曾在阿富汗、伊拉克及利比亞執行作戰任務,因此,實戰經驗豐富外,也持續在西太平洋海域執行任務,或進行演習而毫不鬆懈。

4. 中國軍方已自認無挑戰美國軍力之實力。



因此,目前所謂「中國(China)」,成份應是包括由中國共產黨所執政之中華人民共和國,及等待歸順之中國國民黨流亡集團,舊金山和平條約生效後,本質為佔領兼流亡之中國殖民政權,所以能代理台灣美國軍政府為台灣治理當局,而佔領日本台灣之唯一理由:是與中國共產政權為敵,為美國之反共盟友。然而,而由中國殖民政權所掌控之「台灣治理當局」,因已與中國共產政權結束敵對狀態,美國國防部無再軍售包括F-16C/D戰機之任何武器,予台灣治理當局之正當性。美國如要確保台灣之安全,使免於落入共產勢力,唯一的辦法,就是美國起動台灣地位正常化機制,依舊金山和平條約Article 2(b)及Artricle23 (a),親自執行日本台灣之佔領。不再需要陷本土台灣人於政治煉獄之「台灣關係法」。

美國當局說詞是顧慮到與中國的關係,即美國國防部長Robert Gates所稱之「中國給國際的敏惑性」,因此,美國所敏惑的應是如將F-16C/D戰機出售予已和中國共產政權和解、本質為中國殖民政權,而以中華台北為名義之台灣治理當局,簡稱「台灣(Taiwan)」,其非常有可能會將美國「軍機機密」洩露予中華人民共和國,這對美國而言,當然是敏感、而必須防止的。「中國之敏惑性(China's sensitivity)」應該才是「美國藉口(America's excuse)」吧!

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林峯弘)
台灣民政府 秘書長


1. 軍力差20年,中國無意挑戰美國。

(中央社華盛頓18日綜合外電報導) 中國人民解放軍總參謀長陳炳德今天告訴美國軍方官員,中國從未打算挑戰美國,且樂見美國扮演維持亞太地區和平穩定的建設性角色。陳炳德在華盛頓美國國防大學(National DefenseUniversity)發表45分鐘演說時指出,雖然最近幾年以來,中國在國防和軍事上已有長足進展,但與美國軍力相較仍存在很大差距,中國「從未打算挑戰美國」。陳炳德透過傳譯表示,中國「樂見美國扮演維持和促進亞太地區和平穩定與繁榮的建設性角色」。陳炳德隨後在回應提問時表示,中國和西方強權美國的軍力存在20年落差。

陳炳德稍早前邀請美國參謀首長聯席會議主席穆倫(Mike Mullen)前往中國訪問。陳炳德說:「我希望他儘早訪問中國。」陳炳德在演說中指出,透過加強對話和溝通來增進戰略互信,而非傾向猜疑,至關重要。他說,兩國都「肩負維持區域和全球和平穩定的重責大任」,並引述美國總統歐巴馬表示,兩國在經濟上「密不可分」。陳炳德又說,軍事關係必須建立在相互尊重和互利共贏的基礎上,「全世界無需擔心,更不必畏懼中國的茁壯」。
率團抵美國訪問1週的陳炳德,17日曾與穆倫舉行冗長會談,18日又分別會晤美國國防部長蓋茨(Robert Gates)和國務卿希拉蕊.柯林頓(Hillary Clinton)。
2. F-16s subject to PRC sensitivities: Gates
TRASHING THE TRA? Rick Fisher of the International Assessment and Strategy Center suggested the US secretary of defense may have made an ‘awful blunder’
By William Lowther / Staff Reporter in WASHINGTON
June 4, 2011
US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has indicated for the first time that “China’s sensitivities” will be taken into consideration by US President Barack Obama when he decides whether to sell F-16C/D fighters to Taiwan.
Gates is expected to discuss the potential sale in talks with Chinese Minister of National Defense Liang Guanglie (梁光烈) at the Shangri-La security dialogue in Singapore this weekend.
During a meeting with US reporters on the way to Singapore, Gates was asked if — in view of pressure building in Congress to let Taipei have the planes — the benefits to Taiwan’s security would outweigh the costs that would be incurred to the relationship with China.
He replied: “We do have obligations under the Taiwan Relations Act [TRA] and we have this discussion in virtually every meeting that we have with the Chinese.”
“I would say that I think under both the [former US president George W.] Bush and Obama administrations, we have tried to thread the needle pretty carefully in terms of Taiwan’s defensive capabilities, but at the same time being aware of China’s sensitivities,” Gates said. “I think both administrations have done this very thoughtfully and very carefully. By the same token, just as the Chinese are very open with us about their concerns, we are also open with them about our obligations.”
Asked by the Taipei Times to comment on Gates’ comments and the potential F-16C/D sale, Rick Fisher, a senior fellow with the International Assessment and Strategy Center in Washington, suggested that the secretary may have made an “awful blunder.”
“Secretary Gates has opened a very destabilizing question,” Fisher said. “Are US arms sales to Taiwan determined by obligations under the TRA or by China’s sensitivities? Where in the TRA does it state that the US will be mindful of China’s sensitivities regarding arms sales to Taiwan?”
“Right now, every other American treaty ally is wondering if US security guarantees are being affected by Washington’s consideration of China’s sensitivities,” he said. “If there was ever an American policy statement that deserved public repudiation, this is it.”
Fisher said that “in essence” Gates had suggested that both Bush and Obama had given a communist dictatorship the power to limit US security options in Asia.
“Is this a new US policy formulation or has Secretary Gates made an awful blunder?” Fisher asked. “The dictatorship in Beijing will be sensitive to every arms sale to Taiwan. China will never be satisfied with American concessions and war will not be deterred. It is imperative that the US move ahead with the sale of new F-16 fighters and upgrades for Taiwan’s current F-16s. China has pitched the Asian region into a dangerous arms race and selling weapons to Taiwan remains a critical American policy tool for deterring conflict.”
During his meeting with reporters, Gates was asked for his own views on the sale of F-16C/D fighters to Taiwan.
“I don’t have a view on that at this point,” Gates said.
Gates is retiring at the end of this month and will be replaced by CIA director Leon Panetta, who is expected to continue White House policies aimed at deepening a US-China strategic security dialogue.
In Washington, Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell was asked at an event organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies if recent congressional pressure would have an impact on the decision to sell the F-16C/Ds.
“Every administration takes the TRA very seriously,” Campbell said. “We understand our responsibilities in that regard and we also recognize that the TRA requires a partnership between the executive and the legislative branch. The US understands our role with respect to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

檢視次數: 355

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