如何檢驗馬關條約和SFPT?「萬國公法(The Law of Nations)」規定國家之「權利(rights)」及「義務(obligations)」,這是國際社會公認的國家準則,有關權利與義務規範,比較重要的原則有:

  1. rights result from obligations(權利是源自於義務)。
  2. Since a right is nothing else but the power of doing what is normally possible, that is to say, what is good in itself and conformable to duty. It is clear that right is derived from duty, or passive obligation, from the obligation of acting in this manner.(「權利」是一種來自「責任」以及「義務」所衍生而得以「負責」之能力)
  3. Since right is derived from obligation, a Nation has the same right that nature gives to men for the fulfillment of their duties.(由於「權利」是來自「義務」衍生出來,如同天賦人權一般,「國家」之有「權利」是為了能夠盡「責任」)。
  4. Nations can not change it nor release themselves from its obligations. Since the “necessary law of nations” is not subject to change and the obligations which it imposes are necessary and indispensable, Nations can not alter it by agreement, nor individually or mutually release themselves from it.(「國家」不能變更或免除其應負責的「義務」。由於「萬國公法」是沒有改變的空間,而其強制之義務是必要且需要的。國家之間不得藉「協議」來變更義務,也不得單獨或共同免除義務。


一、 日清馬關條約第二條(Treaty of Shimonoseki Article 2):

Article 2

    China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the following territories, together with all fortifications, arsenals, and public property thereon:—

(a) The southern portion of the province of Fêngtien within the following boundaries :


(b) The island of Formosa, together with all islands appertaining or belonging to the said island of Formosa.

(c) The Pescadores Group, that is to say, all islands lying between the 119th and 120th degrees of longitude east of Greenwich and the 23rd and 24th degrees of north latitude.

由於台灣只是國際法中之「大清未完成之拓殖地(非國土)」,所以才能夠依法「割讓」給日本,因為,大清對台灣領土無主權,因此,對台灣沒有「不可變更」及「不可免除」之義務,台灣不具備「神聖不可分割之一部分」,所以大清得以「讓與」日本。國際法賦有Sovereignty carries with it responsibility.(主權賦帶責任)原則,「國家主權」之內涵,除了有可行使的權利外,還有應該負責之義務。因此,所謂In full sovereignty,代表著「國家主權」中所有之「權利和義務」,也就是說,大清將其對台灣「拓殖地」所有之「佔領權利」以及「佔領義務」全部轉移給日本,台灣在「馬關條約」生效後,大清對台灣已永久喪失「權利」,也永久免除「義務」,所以說,台灣並非大清「神聖不可分割」的一部份。

二、 二戰後,舊金山和平條約第二b條。(SFPT Article 2b)

Article 2b

Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores

日本被規定放棄台灣領土之標的是”right to Taiwan” 、“title to Taiwan” 、“claim to Taiwan”之”rights of sovereignty over Taiwan(台灣之主權權利,非主權,因台灣是日本不可分割之國土),在「萬國公法」之權力與義務架構下,SFPT不能免除其obligations of sovereignty over Taiwan(臺灣主權者之義務),由於台灣在日治時期已經是經「內地延長」而成為日本國土一部分,日本依照「萬國公法」之原則並不能藉任何「協議」變更或免除領土「義務」,破壞「國土神聖不可分割」之特質,將台灣自日本國土分離出來,就算SFPT也是確實只規定日本放棄其對台灣領土之主權「權利」,而無渋主權「義務」,日本因為對台灣領土尚有「義務」,當然還保有「台灣殘留主權」,就如同琉球領土對日本一樣。

作者:林 志 昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
福爾摩莎法理建國會 執行長
2009/09/08初稿 2012/12/02再論

檢視次數: 427

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