
在國際法上,領土主權 (Territorial sovereignty) 就好比是私人對物享有所有權,只不過它稱之為統治權 (Imperium)。領土主權取得方式有佔領 (Occupation)、添附 (Accretion)、割讓 (Cession)、征服 (Conquest),和時效 (Prescription) 等等方式。


b. Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores


1947年2月10日,義大利在法國巴黎簽訂「對義大利和平條約Treaty of peace with Italy」,其中第四節義大利殖民地(Section IV Italian Colonies)第二十三條有放棄利比亞、伊利西亞、索馬利亞島的條文:

1. Italy renounces all right and title to the Italian territorial possessions in Africa, ie. Libya, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland.義大利放棄所有對其在非洲屬地,即利比亞、伊利西亞和義屬索馬利亞之權力(處分權、管轄權和占享權)

2. Pending their final disposal, the said possessions shall continue under their present administration.暫時不做最終處分,所提及之屬地將繼續由目前之管理當局管轄。

3. The final disposal of these possessions shall be determined jointly by the Governments of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty, in the manner laid down in the joint declaration of 10 February 1947 issued by the said Governments, which is reproduced in Annex XI. 這些屬地最終處分將在條約生效後一年,由蘇聯、英國、美國以及法國政府,依照附件寫於一九四七年二月十日,所發布之聯合聲明中,所記載之不同方法,共同決定其最終處分。

「對義和約」和「舊金山和約」比較,兩者放棄的標的使用文字幾乎一樣,只不過義大利少了一項領土主張權claim to territory,這是因為考量義大利原來是以「宣示主權to claim sovereignty」,而不是以「擁有主權to own sovereignty」模式,取得其在非洲之殖民地領土。義大利對其殖民地之領土權利right to territory以及領土名義title to territory,是建立在領土主張claim to territory之國際法源上。因此,義大利一旦必須放棄對其殖民地性質之領土,這些領土不屬於萬國公法架構內,不具有神聖不可分割的特質,也就是不可分割。義大利被迫放棄其對殖民地所有之「領土主張權claim to territory」,等同放棄所有之領土權利right to territory以及領土名義title to territory,簡單地說就是:all claims of sovereignty over territory。

當初簽訂「對義大利和平條約Treaty of peace with Italy」的時候(一九四七年二月十日),利比亞Libya領土是分成三部份,英國佔領三分之二,法國佔領三分之一,Eritrea and Italian Somaliland則全由英國佔領。殖民地領土再被其宗主國放棄「領土主張權claim to territory」(包括處分權right to dispose of)後,因為和原宗主國之間並不存在「殘留主權residual sovereignty」關係,而立刻成為「無主地」,其最終歸屬當然可以由聯合國總會安排。相對的情況,國土性質之領土(例如台灣領土)在被宗主國放棄「主權權利right of sovereignty」後,在萬國公法的約束下,與宗主國仍然存在「主權義務obligations of sovereignty」之殘留主權義務關係,所以並非「無主地」。擁有該領土主權之宗主國(例如日本)只是不能行使包括「移轉」之處分權,因此,該領土「歸屬不變」(台灣仍屬日本天皇皇土)。

美國因為中國強力介入朝鮮戰爭,決定將已經寫好的舊金山和平條約更改,這對於戰爭征服者者的決定,因此救了本土台灣人,免於受共產中國的奴役,也接受了日本首相的請託,將台灣與日本依然保持經濟共同體性質,觀察一九五零年九月十一日,原先的舊金山和約草約第四章領土Chapter 4‭ ‬Territory第五項提及:

「Japan accepts whatever decision may here after be agreed upon by the United Kingdom‭, ‬the Soviet Union‭, ‬China‭, ‬and the United States with reference to the future status of Formosa‭, ‬the Pescadores‭, ‬Sakhalin south of 500‭ ‬north latitude and the Kurile Island‭. ‬In the event of‭ ‬failure in any case to agree within one year from the effective date of this treaty‭, ‬the Parties to this Treaty will seek and accept the recommendation of the United Nations General Assembly‭.‬」「日本接受此後由英國、蘇聯、中國及美國對於台灣的地位決定,包含北緯五百度以南之樺太,及千島列島未來地位之任何決定。如本和約生效一年內,無法達成任何共識,和約當事人將尋求並接受聯合總會之推薦。」



Italy renounces all right and title to the Italian territorial possessions in Africa, ie. Libya, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland.義大利放棄所有對其在非洲屬地,即利比亞、伊利西亞和義屬索馬利亞之權力(處分權、管轄權和占享權)

(一) 有關義大利所屬殖民地Libya利比亞的處分經過:

a. From 1943 to 1951, Libra was divided by the British and the French

b. On February 10, 1947, Italy renounced all claims to Libra.「在1947年

c. On November 21, 1949, the UN General Assembly Passed a
resolution stating that Libra should become independent before
January 1, 1952.「1945年11月21日,聯合國總會通過決議案,利比亞


(二) Eritrea有關義大利所屬殖民地伊利西亞的處分經過:

a. The Eritrea came under British administration in 1941.「伊利西亞自

b. While under British trusteeship, the United Nations decided to
federate Eritrea with Ethiopia in 1950.「在英國託管期間,聯合國決定

c. The new Ethiopia government conceded Eritrea’s demand to have an
UN supervised referendum dubbed UNOVER to be held in Eritrea.
This took place in April 1993 with an over whelming (99.79%)vote
by Eritreans for independence. Independence was declared on May
24, 1993.「新的衣索匹亞國政府應該答應伊利西亞,舉行在聯合國監


(三) 有關義大利所屬殖民地Italian Somaliland的處分經過:

a. The Italian Somaliland came under British administration from 1943
until 1949.「義屬索馬利島自1943至1949年間是由英國所治理。」

b. In November 1949, the United Nations granted Italy trusteeship of
Italian Somaliland, but only under close supervision and on condition
that Somalia achieve independence with in ten years.「義大利依照一

c. In 1960, Italian Somaliland united with British Somaliland to from the
Republic of Somalia.「在一九六零年,義屬索馬利島和英屬索馬利島

d. To the extent that Italy helped the territory by UN mandate, the
trusteeship provisions gave the Somalia the opportunity to gain
experience in political and self-government. These were advantages
that British Somaliland, which was to be incorporated into the new
Somali states and remained a protectorate of Britain until 1960, did not



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