Key Time for Taiwan
1. 天長節一般參賀對象是「象徵日本的天皇」,參賀民眾無論來自何方,原則上,毫無疑問,只能持象徵日本的日之丸旗的人民進入皇宮,表示敬意。皇宮警察對任何可能對天皇造成迷惑旗幟,絕對是依規定嚴格取締,不予放行。唯獨台灣民政府旗幟每年都順利被引導至天皇面前三十公尺處,其中含意,大家應該會有深切的體驗和了解。
2. 原來臺灣民政府第一年赴日進入皇宮前,剛開始傳來被要求「臺灣民政府」旗幟不要出現,可是,不到1分鐘後情勢大逆轉,皇宮所屬宮內廳緊急通知發還,允許「臺灣民政府」旗幟和日之丸旗共同在天長節一般參賀場合揮舞。日之丸旗是象徵日本國家,「臺灣民政府」旗幟則是象徵日本台灣,對日本天皇而言,法理上是「對等並立」而感情上是「一視同仁」。
3. 宮內廳雖是轄於內閣總理大臣管轄,然天長節一般參賀事關天皇本人,「臺灣民政府」旗幟究竟可否出現在天長節一般參賀場合?內閣總理大臣並無立場獨自決定,最終決定權是在天皇,只要天皇同意,內閣總理大臣並無反對的立場。可知,日本天皇和日本內閣總理大臣都得知「臺灣民政府」,並歡迎「臺灣民政府」參與天長節一般參賀。
4. 宮內廳適時發出指示,應是天皇指示,於是,就在這關鍵的1分鐘內,台灣地位之路,從可能被政治處理出賣予中國逆轉成可能依法理處理實現地位正常化。其所代表的政治意義極其重大。
作者: 林 志昇 (武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣民政府 秘書長
Letter to the Japanese Prime Minister
April 28, 2012
The Honorable Yoshihiko Noda
Prime Minister of Japan
Cabinet Secretariat
Tokyo 100 – 8968, Japan
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
在1945年(昭和20年)4月1日這一天, 美軍登陸沖繩而日本國在當天的應變包括:
On April 1, 1945, American forces landed on Okinawa and launched the invasion of Okinawa. In this desperate time, Japan adopted following desperate measures to secure Taiwan as a response to this Okinawa Battle:
1. 裕仁天皇頒布詔書,賦予台灣住民參政權。
Emperor Hirohito issued an Imperial Rescript, granting political rights to the inhabitants of Taiwan.
a. 日本帝國政府公布眾議院議員選舉法中改正法律(法律第34號):
The Government of the Empire of Japan issued Law No. 34, authorizing the inhabitants of Taiwan to select five representatives to the House of Representatives through popular vote.
b. 日本帝國政府公布「貴族院令中改正ノ件(勅令第193號)」:
The Government of the Empire of Japan issued Royal Decree No. 193, authorizing the Governor-general of Taiwan to recommend three representatives to the House of Peers.
2. 日本帝國政府施行台灣徵兵令
the Government of the Empire of Japan enforced the military conscription order in Taiwan.
The Government of the Empire of Japan enforced the military conscription order in Okinawa in 1898, and the granting of political rights to the inhabitants of the Ryukyu Islands was successively completed between 1912 to 1919, As a comparison, Taiwan Civil Government would like to inquire of the Government of Japan,
1. 大清帝國光緒皇帝依1895年5月8日生效之下關條約第二條,永遠讓與大日本帝國明治天皇之台灣全島及所有附屬各島嶼和澎湖列島,自1945年4月1日起, 是否已被日本政府編入為適用萬國公法之不可分割日本國土一部份?
If the island of Formosa, together with all islands appertaining or belonging to the island of Formosa, and the Pescadores Group ceded by Emperor Kwang-Hsu of China to Emperor Meiji of Japan in perpetuity pursuant to Article 2 of the Treaty of Shimonoseki entered into force on May 8, 1895 has been incorporated into japan by the Government of Japan as an integral part of Japanese territories applicable to the Law of Nations since April 1, 1945?
2. 日本政府依裕仁天皇頒布詔書所公布之法律第34號,其中尚未施行部份,是已經依1946年(昭和21年)8月20日公布之法律第8號廢止。至於敕令第193號則是已經完全施行,然貴族院令則是已依1947年(昭和22年)5月3日公布政令第4號(内閣官制の廃止等に関する政令)廢止。
Referring to Law No. 34, issued on the authority of the said Imperial Rescript, the unexecuted portions thereof have been abrogated according to Law No. 8 of August 20, 1946. As for Royal Decree No. 193, also issued on the authority of the said Imperial Rescript, although thoroughly executed, has been abrogated according to Decree #4 of May 3, 1947.
It is therefore important to fully clarify if the Imperial Rescript of April 1, 1945 issued by Emperor Hirohito is still valid to the people of Taiwan in the current era?
台灣民政府 秘書長 林 志昇