Dos and Don’ts

A. 不該說的話與不該有的觀念

1. Don’t say “Mainland” to refer to the PRC, just say “China.”

2. Don’t say that “The Japanese occupied Taiwan for fifty years beginning in 1895.” 不要說「從1895年起,日本佔領台灣五十年」。理由:在1895年的馬關條約裡,清朝把台灣割讓給日本。割讓與佔領不同。再者,日本擁有台灣的主權和管轄權一直到1952.04.28舊金山和平條約生效為止。而1952年減掉1895年是57年。

3. Don’t say that August 15, 1945 was “the end of the war.”

4. Don’t say that October 25, 1945 was Taiwan Retrocession Day. Don’t say that Taiwan is the Republic of China. 「1945.10.25不是台灣光復節,是台灣被中國軍事佔領開始。」也不要說「中華民國就是台灣」,因為,台灣從來不是中華民國。


5. Don’t say that Taiwan is part of the USA. 「台灣從來不是美國的一部分」。理由:依據國際法,被佔領地並非佔領權國之國內領土。佔領與併吞是不一樣的,千萬不要混為一談。

6. Don’t say that Taiwan will become the 51st state or 52nd state in the USA.

7. Don’t say that the ROC is the occupying power of Taiwan.「中華民國只是台灣的次要佔領權國,只是代理美國佔領日本台灣領土」。

註:Some scholars use the term “Chiang Kai-shek’s military forces” to refer to the ROC as well. 有的學者喜歡把中華民國僅稱為「蔣介石集團」。

理由:The ROC is an agent for the occupying power. Under the customary laws of warfare, the occupying power is the conqueror. In relation to Taiwan, that is the United States of America. See the Article 23 of the SFPT, where the United States of America is confirmed as “the principal occupying power.” Hence, the ROC may also be called a subordinate occupying power under USMG. 中華民國是美國主要佔領權國的代理機關而已。戰爭慣例法規定,佔領權國務必須是「征服者」。對台灣而言,「征服者」是美國。有關這點,請參考舊金山和平條約第23條,美國的身份被確認為「主要佔領權國」。是故,中華民國亦被形容為美國USMG之下的「次要佔領權國」。

B. 該說的話與該有的觀念

1. Do recognize that after 1895, Taiwan has never been a part of “China.”


2. Do recognize that the New Taiwan dollar can continue in circulation with the approval of the US Dept. of the Treasury.台灣民政府獲得美國相關部會之同意,新台幣暫時會繼續發行。

理由:The nomenclature of the "issuing authority" for the New Taiwan dollar (NT$) should be changed at an early date in order to bring it in conformity with the coinage, weights, and measures clause of the U.S. Constitution.基於美國憲法規定「鑄造貨幣、釐定國幣及外幣價值,按照規定度量衡標準」之條文,TCG會早日爭取美國財政部之許可,暫時繼續發行新台幣。

3. Do recognize the following commonly used English language abbreviations:
TCG Taiwan Civil Government 台灣民政府
USMG United States Military Government 美國軍事政府
NSC National Security Council 美國國家安全會議
DOD Department of Defense 或 the Pentagon 美國國防部
DOS Department of State 美國國務院
CIA Central Intelligence Agency 美國中央情報局
DOJ Department of Justice 美國法務部
AIT American Institute in Taiwan 美國在台協會
SFPT San Francisco Peace Treaty 舊金山和平條約

4. Do recognize that the US Supreme Court has held that not all of the guarantees in the “Bill of Rights” apply to native people living in overseas territories of the USA.請瞭解美國最高法院,一直認為美國憲法的所謂「權利法案」,不是全盤適用於海外軍事占領土地。

5. Do understand that TCG will strive to promote an equitable tax system in Taiwan. 請瞭解TCG在台灣要推動公平合理的稅制。

說明:At the most basic level, TCG believes that all commercial activities should pay taxes. Sales to consumers should be taxed at the point of sale. All efforts should be made to eliminate “underground economic activity.”基本上,TCG認為營業活動應該課營業稅。凡是賣東西給消費者,賣售的當場要給〔包含稅金的〕發票。一切所謂「地下經濟」應給於取締。

6. Do undertake all efforts to eliminate the practice of “false identities.”

說明:There are many fake, bogus, sham, counterfeit, and fictitious activities in Taiwan. “Bogus farmers” are registered as farmers and receive certain government benefits, but actually do not do any farming. “Bogus fishermen” are registered with the government and receive certain government benefits, but actually don’t catch any fish. 台灣充滿了享受流亡政府優惠與好處的各種假冒身份人士。例如,「假農民」不耕田,「假漁民」不捕魚。Additionally there is the widespread practice of “renting professional licenses,” which results in unqualified practitioners of all types of professional activities (including doctors, pharmacists, architects, etc.) in all corners of society. 再者,台灣很多行業有「出租執照」的習慣與風氣,使的缺乏相關資格的人士仍然可以執行各種業務和職業。Such practices are illegal and should be eliminated. 凡是涉及假冒身份者應屬於違法,也應給於取締。

7. Do understand that Taiwan will not have “military conscription,” however a system of “community service” will most likely be implemented. 國防是美國聯邦政府的責任,但台灣將設置社區服務制度。


8. Do recognize the importance of the terms “military government,” “insular,” and “undetermined.” 請確實瞭解「軍政府」、「列島」、「軍事占領」與「未確定」之意義。Please see the following sentences and explanations.

SENTENCE #1 – Taiwan is under United States Military Government. 台灣處於USMG管轄下。

Comments: Military government is the form of administration by which an occupying power exercises governmental authority over occupied territory. 所謂「軍政府」係軍事佔領當局,執行佔領地管轄任務的政府體系。Hence, TCG is under USMG.. 因此,台灣民政府是在USMG管轄下。

SENTENCE #2-- Taiwan’s final political status remains as undetermined. 台灣的最終政治地位係未確定。

Comments: Military occupation is considered a transitional period, or a period of interim (political) status. 佔領昰一種過渡時期或暫定狀態。During this period of time, Taiwan is not an independent sovereign nation, nor is it a part of the United States of America. 在這一段時間,台灣並非主權獨立的國家,亦非美國之一部分。However, these facts do not affect the legality of TCG’s governance over Taiwan. 但是,這些情況並不影響TCG治理台灣的合法性,台灣民政府是根據戰爭法、國際法成立的合法組織。

9. Do recognize the concept of “native Taiwanese people or the people of Taiwan”

說明: Native Taiwanese people (or “the people of Taiwan” or “island citizens of Taiwan”) are defined as persons meeting the following criteria: (1) native to the areas of “Formosa and the Pescadores” as of the Fall of 1945, and their descendants up to the present day, and (2) currently maintaining household registration in the Taiwan area. 本土台灣人〔或稱「台澎島之公民」〕的定義:在1945年8月15日之時點確實屬於台澎地區之本地人,以及其後裔一直到今日。

註:In Asian areas, “citizenship” is traditionally transferred by blood lines, and the fact of “birth inside the territorial jurisdiction” is not recognized as conferring citizenship. TCG believes it is most likely that Taiwan will maintain such a citizenship recognition in its legal structure. 亞洲地區傳統上,所謂「國籍」,是因為血緣關係而獲得,對於僅在國家〔地區〕領土內出生之異國人士之嬰兒,不給於「國籍」身份。TCG認為台灣將來也會繼續運用此血緣關係為標準。

== ELECTIONS == Importantly, “island citizens of Taiwan” will not have voting rights in US federal or state elections. As regards elections in Taiwan, an announcement regarding the schedule for the holding of elections in Taiwan will be made no later than 3:00 pm , Jan. 1, 2018. == 選舉:== 「台澎島公民」並無參與美國聯邦選舉或各州選舉之權利。有關台灣地區選舉之進行,相關時間表將在2018年元月1日下午3:00鐘前給於宣布。

== POLITICAL PARTY REGISTRATION == As regards the registration of political parties under TCG, relevant registration procedures will be announced no later than 3:00 pm , Jan. 1, 2017. == 政黨登記 == 有關台灣地區人民組織政黨和其相關之登記手續,將在2017年元月1日下午3:00鐘前給於宣布。

10. Do recognize that Taiwan will probably adopt a multi-faceted educational system.

說明: In the future in Taiwan, it is expected that some educational institutions will follow Dept. of Education policies & guidelines, some will follow their own policies & guidelines (in order to be more attuned to the “employment marketplace”), some will adopt an “apprentice” type educational model, etc. 依據最新教育理念,無論幼稚園、小學、中學、高中、職業學校、大專院校等在台灣將來都可已有自由地選擇,不須按照教育部各項規定,要面對就業市場需要台灣民政府所擬定課程。職業學校可以採用「學徒制」。

11. Do recognize that refugee and asylum matters are the responsibility of the US federal government, and not the responsibility of TCG..

12. Do recognize that Taiwan will promote the Hanyu Pinyin system in conformance with the Library of Congress standard, the ISO standard, etc.
說明:The international standard for the romanization of Mandarin Chinese is Hanyu Pinyin and this is recognized by all the countries of North America, by the PRC, the United Nations, and the majority of European nations. The standard for romanization of Mandarin Chinese in the Taiwan cession shall be Hanyu Pinyin, in conformity with the United Nations standard, the USA standard, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard, the Library of Congress standard, the PRC standard, the One China Policy, and the spirit of the three USA-PRC joint communiques.國際間,教學機構和政府單位面對漢字要「音譯」時,都使用所謂「漢語拼音」之abc寫法。是故,台灣地區也不應該例外。〔註:至於台澎地區之教育機構,是否使用繁體字或簡體字,將由教育大臣提出相關指示。〕

13. Do recognize that the recognition of Taiwan’s status under the SFPT does not violate the three PRC-USA Joint Communiques. 台灣國際地位,按照舊金山和平條約的內容可以釐清為「美國之佔領地」。請瞭解,此種情況是完全符合中美三個雙邊公報的精神。

說明:The Aug. 17, 1982 Communique stated: “Respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in each other's internal affairs constitute the fundamental principles guiding United States China relations.” 1982年8月17日之中美公報指出:「互相尊重主權和領土完整、互不干涉內政是指導中美關係的根本原則。」 As we know, Taiwan has never been a part of the PRC, so the recognition of Taiwan as US occupied territory (according to the specifications of the SFPT) is not in violation of the specifications of the Joint Communiques. 眾所皆知,台灣從未併入中國領土。是故,台灣做為美國管轄下之領土的事實,並不涉及中國之「內政」或中國領土之「完整性」。

台灣民政府 中央辦公廳

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