


1. 負責糾正並提醒美國,對台灣之錯誤成見:台灣不是中華民國,中華民國也不是台灣,流亡的中華民國不能就地合法,也不是台灣政府。因此,台灣不能稱作中華民國,充其量,如依照台灣關係法以應稱為:台灣治理當局。

2. 「本土台灣人(people of Taiwan)」並不等於「在台灣的人(people on Taiwan)」。

3. 「舊金山和平條約」架構內,「法理台灣」並不等於「台灣關係法」定義下之「台灣治理當局」,但是,依照法理應該稱為:台灣民政府才是正確的。絕對不能併入流亡中國殖民政權在台灣統治因素之「政治台灣」。

4. 日本台灣在日本正式投降前,是日本天皇統治下日本國土一部份,非殖民地。台灣非日本佔領下之中國領土,如同波多黎各,並非美國佔領下之西班牙領土。美國對「日屬台灣」和「美屬波多黎各」法理地位認定,不應「雙重標準」。

5. 美國國務院不應無視國際法理,有台灣當然要「歸還」中國之成見。應該正視:「林志昇控美案的判決結果」早日承認並交還台灣管轄權給「台灣民政府」。

6. 提醒而且關注美國總統和國務院對台灣之法理責任及義務,要求國防部導正國務院法理。

7. 美國應以親自,或代理方式核發「無國籍旅行證件(Stateless Travel Document)」給法理無國籍之「本土台灣人(people of Taiwan)」,特別是美國高院已經做出判決。

8. 美國依戰爭法之「征服權」,有權力親自在台灣行使「佔領權利」,但是也必須履行「佔領權利」所衍生之「佔領義務」。

9. 規劃未來「台灣民政府」或「台灣邦聯政府」政治體制。

10. 台灣民政府將向美國軍事政府陳情。美國軍事政府其「現任代理人」馬英九先生,並無立場審判及羈押其「前任代理人」陳水扁先生,透過此管道訴求,應立即釋放「陳水扁先生」。

依照美國執行軍事佔領模式,美國政府必須承認此「權宜諮詢機構(Advisory Instrumentality)」,為設立「台灣民政府」或「台灣邦聯政府」之前置作業,以開始台灣地位之正常化。


一、(Chinese Taipei) 不是「中華台北或中國台北」,正確的翻譯是(Chinese exil government in Taipei)「中國流亡政府在台北」


三、 臺灣領土法理上成為日本的神聖不可分割領土,所以不能割讓。 二戰後,美國只好逼日本政府用放棄的方式(無關日本天皇所有權),沒有交給中國(兩個)。

四、國際法上鐵則「佔領不能移轉主權」「流亡不能就地合法」, ROC企圖使用假民主、假自由來宣告台灣已由選舉變成民主國家,引誘本土臺灣人要用選舉奪統治權,這是不可能的妄想。因為,選出來的是「中華民國總統」,不是「台灣總統」。




A. Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Eric Stein of the Office of United Nations Political and Security
Affairs Washington, November 16, 1950

..., we could state frankly several basic principles which we would consider as appropriate framework for a plan for the solution of the Formosa question. These principles are: ...,我們可以坦白幾個基本原則,我們會考慮在適當的框架計劃,為解決台灣的問題。這些原則是:
1. The United States as a principal victor of the war in the Pacific and as the sole occupying power of Japan has great responsibility in the disposition of Formosa. 1。美國作為太平洋戰爭和佔領日本的唯一主要戰勝者,對處分日本的福爾摩沙應負有很大責任。

B. Memorandum by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs Washington, March 19, 1951
B. 美國東北亞事務局羅伯特A. Fearey備忘錄。華盛頓,1951年3月19日

1. Senator Smith noted that Article 3 left the disposition of Formosa undetermined. Ambassador Dulles said that provision for the disposition of Formosa by decision of the General Assembly if the Far Eastern Big Four failed to reach agreement had been made in the United States seven-point statement of principles but that idea had since been abandoned. 1。參議員史密斯指出,第3條將福爾摩沙置於未定地位。杜勒斯大使表示,福爾摩沙處置將由大會決定,如果遠東問題四大國未能達成美國七點聲明原則協議,那麼這一想法將被放棄。

He recalled that the United States had secured the postponement of the question of Formosa during the General Assembly because there appeared to be a real possibility that the Assembly would recommend turning the island over to the Chinese Communists.

This still seemed a likely possibility if the Assembly were given jurisdiction over the problem and it had accordingly been thought advisable to leave the status of Formosa undecided. 這似乎是依然有可能的,如果大會給予管轄權的問題,因此,它被認為最好狀態是讓台灣地位未定。

2. United Nations Jurisdiction 2。聯合國管轄

Senator Hickenlooper inquired whether the United Nations would have any jurisdiction over the treaty, and whether there was any way in which the United Nations or a member thereof could take us to task for anything we might include in the treaty.

Ambassador Dulles referred to Article 107 of the Charter, and said that were the Assembly to consider that any provision of the treaty might tend to impair peace and security it would be empowered to discuss it, but that otherwise the United Nations would have no jurisdiction over the treaty. The United Nations would come in only if the treaty brought it in, as in the case of the former Italian colonies under the Italian Treaty.

C. For Reference and Comparison C.對於參考和比較

1. Annex XI of the Peace Treaty with Italy, February 10, 1947 Item 3.
1。附件十一和平條約與意大利,1947年2月10日項目 3

If with respect to any of these territories the Four Powers are unable to agree upon their disposal within one year from the coming into force of the Treaty of Peace with Italy, the matter shall be referred to the General Assembly of the United Nations for a recommendation, and the Four Powers agree to accept the recommendation and to take appropriate measures for giving effect to it.

2. Draft of the Peace Treaty with Japan, September 11, 1950
Chapter 4 Territory Item 5 2。草案與日本和平條約,50年9月11日 領土第四章 項目 5

Japan accepts whatever decision may hereafter be agreed upon by the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, and the United States with reference to the future status of Formosa, the Pescadores, Sakhalin south of 500 north latitude and the Kurile Islands.
日本接受任何決定,今後可能商定由美國,英國,蘇聯,中國和美國參考未來地位的台灣,澎湖群島,南庫頁島北緯 500和千島群島。

In the event of failure in any case to agree within one year from the effective date of this treaty, the parties to this Treaty will seek and accept the recommendation of the United Nations General Assembly.

D. 1. Charter of the United Nations, Article 107
Nothing in the present Charter shall invalidate or preclude action, in relation to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory to the present Charter, taken or authorized as a result of that war by the Governments having responsibility for such action.
D.1. 憲章聯合國,第107條

2. 依聯合國憲章Article 107,聯合國對於舊金山和平條約之規定是無緣置喙,因此,台灣最終地位之決定和聯合國完全無關連。道理很簡單,征服日本的國家唯一是美國,非聯合國,「征服者」才會有「權利、責任以及能力」來解決台灣所有問題。

E. 事實證明,在舊金山和平條約Article 2(b)架構內,美國有佔領權之尖閣諸島及Article 3架構內,聯合國委由美國託管之琉球列島,是依美國「單獨」之決定,歸還日本。依法理推論,台灣最終地位是在萬國公法架構內,由美國和日本協商決定,無涉聯合國。

作者:林 志昇 (武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣民政府 秘書長

檢視次數: 2699

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