

1、 Whenever the laws of the United States refer or relate to foreign countries, nations, states, governments, or similar entities, such terms shall include and such laws shall apply with such respect to Taiwan.

本條文事實可以以更簡單的白話英語陳述:1、Terms such as foreign countries, nations, states, government, or similar entities shall include Taiwan, and whenever the laws of the United States refer or relate to such terms shall apply with respect to Taiwan.

整句重點:美國將美台之間關係定位為「foreign」、也就是說Taiwan is “foreign” to the United States,並沒有替Taiwan 定位是否為主權國家。

美國在杜魯門總統於1950年宣佈「台灣地位未定」,當時流亡在台灣的蔣介石中國國民黨政權是中華民國,美國以主要佔領權國身份,委託中華民國代替佔領管轄台灣,稱中華民國和台灣的關係是:Chinese government on Formosa, 而到1979年卡特總統與中華民國斷交後,美國則改稱The governing authority on Taiwan recognized as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979. 而依照「台灣關係法」第四條b 項第五款提及the absence of diplomatic relations between the people (on) Taiwan and the United States,˙˙˙
可以明白條文內所稱People on Taiwan 指的是在統治管轄台灣的政權,而不是指在台灣的人。People on Taiwan 不等於People of Taiwan, 另外1960年時,美國國務院對台灣的看法:At the present time, we accept the exercise of Chinese authority over Formosa,˙˙˙可以知道從「舊金山和約」簽定前後至今天,美國對台灣地位的立場從未改變,六十八年來保持一致性,就在英語中連介係詞”on”的用法也維持不變。由Chinese government on Formosa.到The exercise of Chinese authority over Formosa. 至governing authority on Taiwan及people on Taiwan,甚至李登輝前總統所使用的The Republic of China on Taiwan.也同樣說明兩件事實:

(一)、無論是稱Chinese government, Chinese authority, Chinese government authority, Chinese people,或the republic of china 都指的是外來的人和外來的政權。

(二)、在美國政府眼中,Taiwan和Formosa及the pescadores都只是地理名詞,頂多是一個nation絕非一個country。Taiwan does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation.一個不享有主權的nation,不可能被視為一個國家,所以,美國政府的「認知」中,Taiwan is not a country with independent sovereignty.

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣民政府 秘書長

檢視次數: 1261

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