2019/1/1 台灣國際記者會 呼籲美國:ROC與TCG 簽署「終戰協議」及「和平條約」正式結束二戰

2019/01/01 台灣民政府 國際記者會


新聞稿 TCG向主要佔領權國美國呼籲:ROC應該與TCG簽署終戰協議及和平條約

本土台灣民政府Taiwan Civil Government (TCG) 今天2019年1月1日召開國際記者會,三位執行秘書長(吳禹慕、彭建輝、洪英周)、七位總知事及發言人共同主持,書記處林善豐大臣宣布文告:二戰時以美國為首的盟軍打敗大日本帝國(含台灣、澎湖),1945年9月2日 盟軍統帥美國麥克阿瑟將軍指派蔣介石將軍代表盟軍接受日軍的投降,1945年10月25日ROC開始佔領台灣、澎湖至今。

1951年9月8日 48國與日本簽訂舊金山和平條約,其中有關台灣的條款:




ROC未簽署舊金山和約,1952年4月28日 舊金山和約生效,在日本已經放棄台灣、澎湖的管轄權之後,台灣處於無政府狀態,依戰爭法必須由被佔領地的人民成立台灣民政府,但代理美國治理台灣的ROC未幫台灣人民成立台灣民政府,卻違反戰爭法成立台灣行政長官公署。





ROC 尚未與台灣民政府(TCG)簽署曾參加二戰戰爭的終戰協議和和平條約。本土台灣民政府Taiwan Civil Government(TCG)向主要佔領權國美國呼籲:台灣民政府(TCG)代表本土台灣人應該與參加二戰的金門、馬祖ROC簽署終戰協議及和平條約,以真正結束二戰,讓台灣人的和平及世界的和平真正降臨。


Taiwan Civil Government (TCG) appeals to the United States that ROC authorities should sign the "War-Ending Agreement" as well as "Peace Treaty" with TCG.

Three Executive Secretaries, Yimu Wu, Jianhui Peng, and Yingzhou Hong, and seven governors and spokespersons co-hosted the press conference. The Secretariat Cabinet Minister Shangfong Lin released a written statement that the US-led coalition defeated the Japanese Empire (including Taiwan and Penghu) during World War II. On September 2, 1945, the Allied Commander General MacArthur appointed Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to represent the Allied forces in accepting the surrender of the Japanese military. On October 25, 1945, ROC began to occupy Taiwan and Penghu ever since.

On September 8, 1951, 48 countries signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan, including provisions on Taiwan in the following Articles:

Article 2: Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores. (which means Japan renounces its jurisdiction of Taiwan and Penghu)

Article 4: Japan recognizes the effectiveness of the US Military Government (USMG) in disposing of property rights of Japan and Japanese people (including Taiwan and Penghu)

Article 23: The United States of America is the principal occupying Power of Japan (including Taiwan, Penghu).

ROC did not sign the San Francisco Peace Treaty. After the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into effect on April 28, 1952, as Japan had renounced its jurisdiction of Taiwan and Penghu, Taiwan was in an anarchy. According to the laws of war, a Taiwanese government must be established by the people of the occupied territories. However, the ROC, as an agent of the United States to administer Taiwan and Penghu, did not help the Taiwanese people to establish the Taiwanese government; instead, the ROC violated the laws of war to establish the Taiwan Chief Executive Office.

After the San Francisco Peace Treaty took effect on April 28, the United States also separately arranged for Japan to sign a Taipei Peace Treaty with the ROC to recognize retroactively the validity of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. However, Taiwan and Penghu, both of which belonged to the Japanese Empire (when Japan had given up the jurisdiction of Taiwan and Penghu), were left out from signing the peace treaty with the ROC. As a result, Taiwan has been in a state of war for 73 years under the principles of law, the status of Taiwan has remained undecided. Consequently, TCG sued the United States and the ROC in 2006 and 2015 in order to strive for the normalization of Taiwan’s international status.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed on November 14, 2018 that Japan and Russia will certainly elevate the mutual trust and resolve the territorial disputes as well as create a peace treaty for the World War ll. Abe also stressed the World War ll has ended for more than 70 years, he and Putin both recognized this issue left behind must be finalized, and shouldn’t be continuously extended to the next generation as a responsibility.

Similarly, Formosa (Taiwan) and the Republic of China (ROC) were both participants in the World War ll. It has been 73 years since the end of World War ll, but so far no Peace Treaty has been signed. It must be put an end now to avoid leaving this problem to the next generation.

Recently, North Korea and South Korea have been talking about signing an war-ending agreement and peace treaty to formally close the Korean War, bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula.

ROC has not yet signed the war-ending agreement and peace treaty with Taiwan Civil Government (TCG). On behalf of the native Taiwanese, Taiwan Civil Government appealed to the United States, the principal occupying Power, that Taiwan Civil Government should sign war-ending agreement and peace treaty with Kinmen and Matsu’s ROC to conclude World War II, bringing peace to Taiwan and the world.


本土台湾人の政府である台湾民政府(Taiwan Civil Government、略称TCG)は、三名の執行秘書長(呉禹慕、彭建輝、洪英周)、七名の州総知事及び中央スポークスパーソンの共同主催の下、本日2019年1月1日に国際記者会見を招集し、林善豊書記処大臣が次のように声明書を読み上げた。「第二次世界大戦において米国を主とする連合国が大日本帝国(台湾及び澎湖諸島を含む)に勝利し、1945年9月2日に連合国軍最高司令官である米国のマッカーサー元帥が蒋介石元帥に連合国軍を代表して日本軍の降伏を受けるよう命令したことにより、1945年10月25日に中華民国(Republic of China、略称ROC)は台湾及び澎湖諸島の占領を開始して現在に至っている。


第二条b項 日本は台湾及び澎湖諸島に対するすべての権利、権原及び請求権(即ち施政権)を放棄する。

第四条b項 日本は米国軍政府(United States Military Government、略称USMG)により行われた日本及び日本人民(台湾及び澎湖諸島を含む)の財産の処理の効力を承認する。

第二十三条a項 米国は日本(台湾及び澎湖諸島を含む)の主たる占領国である。







檢視次數: 323

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