
1. Is the UN report or so-called “after report” of the Global Action Platform the official publication of the UN? If not, what is exactly its role for this UN report in the overall UN publications?

1. 由 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 所出版的UN report (聯合國報告書) 或是先前所說的 after report(會後報告書), 是否是聯合國的官方刊物? 如果不是, 那麼, 這份刊物在聯合國的眾多刊物中, 究竟扮演什麼樣的角色?

The Global Action Report is the official report of the Global Action Platform (GAP). The Global Action Report is published every September and distributed to the entire UN system (the Secretariat, UN Agencies, and all UN missions (Ambassadors and Heads of Missions) during UNGA.

Global Action Report (全球行動報告書) 是 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 的官方刊物, 每年九月聯合國大會期間出版, 並分送到所有聯合國的組織系統裡 (如秘書處, 聯合國的辦事處, 所有的聯合國會員的代表團, 包括各國駐聯合國大使 代表團的團長及領袖.)

2. What is the relationship between UN and Global Action Platform? Is Global Action Platform the nonprofit organization(NGO) and independent to the UN? Is Global Action Platform responsible for the global food and health policy of the UN? Is UN one of the key sponsors of Global Action Platform?

2. 聯合國與 Global Action Plaform (全球行動平台) 之間的關係為何 ? Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 是一個獨立於聯合國之外的非營利組織嗎? Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 是否負責形塑聯合國關於世界糧食與衛生健康政策的制定? 聯合國是否為 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 的主要贊助者之一呢?

The Global Action Platform is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) allied with the UN and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Global Action Platform is a collaborative platform to help mobilize the world’s foremost experts and executive leaders; target impact investments in innovation and businesses; leverage technology for collaboration and data analytics; and communicate findings globally.

Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 是一個與聯合國及聯合國永續發展目標計劃聯盟的非營利組織. Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 是提供一個合作的平台, 協助讓全世界頂尖的學者專家及執行領袖可以在這個平台上動員整合起來, 找出並定位在企業與創新領欲裡可以產生重大影響與衝擊的投資, 促進科技與資料分析的合作, 讓成果可以倍數成長, 讓全球的新發現與研究成果可以促進對話與交流.

For more information on the Global Action Platform
please visit: http://globalactionplatform.org.
關於 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台)更多的資訊, 請參考這個網頁的資訊.

Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, the Global Action Platform has worked directly with the United Nations office in order to advance the goals related to poverty, food security, and health. UN leaders, including the UN Secretary-General, have been a partner of the conference and the platform. Here is a video of the UN Secretary-General addressing the Global Action Platform.

自從聯合國在2015年採用了 Sustainable Development Goals(永續發展目標) (SDGs) 這樣的規劃, 從那時起 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台), 就已與聯合國的相關單位進行直接的合作, 目的是要更加接近聯合國關於世界貧窮, 糧食安全, 以及衛生健康的相關指標. 聯合國的領袖們, 包括聯合國的秘書長, 長期以來一直是 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台), 以及大會的參與者及夥伴, 以下就是聯合國秘書長金基文在 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 大會的演講影音連結.
video of the UN Secretary-General addressing the Global Action Plat...

3. Does TCG need the formal or informal approval or consent from the UN officials first before TCG can buy the sponsorship of the Global Action Summit in UNGA week and publish the ad in the UN report?

3. 台灣民政府需不需要來自聯合國官方正式或是非正式的許可或同意, 才能購買在聯合國大會期間, Global Action Summit (全球行動高峰會議) 的贊助以及在其 UN report (聯合國報告書)上登廣告呢?

No. There is no need for approval or consent from UN officials, only from the Executive Director of the Global Action Platform.

不需要. 台灣民政府如果要贊助 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台), 或是在其刊物上登廣告, 只要 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台)的執行長同意就可以了, 不需要得到來自聯合國官方的同意與許可.

4. What is the relationship between Diplomatic Courier and Global Action Platform? Are they the allied partnership and responsible for the global food and health policy of the UN?

4. Diplomatic Courier (外交信使雜誌) 與 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 的關係為何? 他們是策略聯盟夥伴關係, 共同負責聯合國關於世界糧食與衛生健康政策的單位嗎?

The Diplomatic Courier is the official media partner of the Global Action Platform and in this role they produce all of the content for the Global Action Report, manage its production, and handle its distribution to the UN.

Diplomatic Courier (外交信使雜誌)是 Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 的官方媒體夥伴. 因著這個特殊的角色, Diplomatic Courier (外交信使雜誌), 負責印製 Global Action Report (全球行動報告書) 的所有內容, 管理印製的流程, 而且負責將印製好的 Global Action Report (全球行動報告書), 配送到聯合國所有相關單位.

5-1. What does SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) mean?
5-1. 聯合國的永續發展目標(SDGs)的意思為何?

On September 25, 2015, the United Nations adopted The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The goals are related to a 15 year mission to “end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.”

在2015年的9月25日, 聯合國採行了永續發展目標的計劃(SDGs), 這個計劃是關於一個為期15 年的使命, 目的在於終結貧窮, 保護地球, 以及確保所有地球生命的繁榮.

They are a set of 17 “Global Goals” including end hunger, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, climate action, and peace, justice and strong institutions.
這是一個包含17個全球目標的組合, 內有終結貧窮, 性別平等, 可負擔的清潔能源, 對全球氣候異常採取行動, 和平與正義, 以及強而有力的機構組織.

Spearheaded by the United Nations through a deliberative process involving its 193 Member States, as well as global civil society, the goals are contained in paragraph 54 United Nations Resolution A/RES/70/1 of 25 September 2015.
由聯合國領軍行動, 透過一個深思熟慮的程序, 其中包含聯合國的193個會員國 以及全球公民社會, 這些永續發展的目標(SDGs)登錄在2015年九月聯合國的決議案, 目錄是 A/RES/70/1.

The Resolution is a broader intergovernmental agreement that acts as the Post 2015 Development Agenda (successor to the Millennium Development Goals).
這個決議案是一個延續千禧年, 也就是公元兩千年的15年發展目標計劃告一段落, 在2015年之後的一個更寬廣的另一個15年跨國政府的發展計劃與協議.

More information about these goals can be found on the website you listed below.

更多關於這些SDGs目標的資訊, 可以在這兩個網頁中找到.

Therefore, what is the role of Global Action Platform towards SDGs? Why are SDGs the main focus of UNGA this year? The fact is that ROC in exile has also published an article about SDGs of the UN and has argued that ROC in exile should have a role to participate in SDGs of the UN to be part of the international society. Dr. Lin has been a bit concerned about this move from ROC in exile.

所以, Global Action Platform (全球行動平台) 在 SDGs的使命中, 究竟扮演什麼角色? 為什麼 SDGs 會是今年聯合國大會的主要焦點? 事實上, 中華民國流亡政府(ROC in exile)也就聯合國的SDGs議題上發表了一篇文章, 談到中華民國流亡政府作為國際社會的一份子, 應該有權利與意願參與聯合國的SDGs相關活動, 以重返國際社會, 秘書長對於中華民國流亡政府這樣的一個舉動表示關切
For your information.


The Global Action Platform as an NGO that is part of the global civil society that is allied with the United Nations in achieving success for the SDGs.

作為一個非營利組織(NGO)的 Global Action Platform, 它其實是全球公民社會(Global Civil Society)的一部份, 而全球公民社會(Global Civil Society)是與聯合國結盟, 以達成SDGs諸多目標與使命(mission)的團體.

SDGs have been a central focus of UNGA since 2015 with many of the UN member states as well as a growing number of global organizations and businesses involved in making sure the SDGs succeed for a better world for all.
自2015年以來, SDGs(永續發展目標)一直是每年九月聯合國大會的中心焦點. 許多聯合國會員國, 以及有越來越多的全球組織及企業都參與其中, 確保SDGs的圓滿達成, 給所有一個更美好的世界.

The Global Action Platform shares and supports the mission of the UN and works collaboratively with the UN to implement the SDGs over the next 15 years.
Global Action Platform (全球行動平台)分擔, 也支持聯合國的這項行動, 並在未來的15年當中, 與聯合國密切合作, 一起來執行並完成 SDGs 的永續發展目標.

Lastly, thank you for sharing the article from the ROC in exile. Our reading of this article indicates they share our strategy of wanting increased participation with the UN and its goals.
最後, 非常感謝分享一篇關於中華民國流亡政府(ROC in exile)的新聞報導, 經過我們的解讀, GVC 認為, 中華民國流亡政府也正在運用與我們相近的策略, 希望增加並擴大其在聯合國的參與以及對SDGs 永續發展目標計畫與活動的參與.

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