
最近許多在美國台僑和日本人發動「還台灣公道案」和「還日本公道案」,卻不事先做好功課,即逕行向美國政府提出訴願;一方面,無視美國法院早已經判定本土台灣人無國籍之事實,愚蠢地向美國政府再次詢問本土台灣人之國籍?另一方面,無視台灣民政府已經配合美國法院在台灣展開運作之事實,又另外訴請美國軍事政府在台灣另設「台灣民政府」,對於本土台灣人而言,並非善意,「臺灣民政府」無立場支持。然而,如是推動「台灣地位正常化」,那麼,「臺灣民政府」則樂於參加並連署,目前看來,參與連署者絕大多數是日本人,「臺灣民政府」將會順勢請「日本靖國神社」方面動員連署 Case 1 (還台灣公道案),提醒美國政府:「日本和台灣有關係」。另外,為回報日本人民支持台灣地位正常化,建議「臺灣民政府」學員和支持者動員連署Case 2 (還日本公道案),「日台人民共榮」聯手,讓兩案皆能成為提案。


Case 1:

we petition the obama administration to:


USMG the principal occupying power of Taiwan after WWII but USA trapped people of Taiwan in political purgatory 67 years


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says everyone has the right to a nationality. But, what is the nationality of Taiwan people?

Ma Ying-jeoul the president of ROC government in exile tortured his predecessor Chen Shui-bian with a mind-altering drug Ativan without Chen's consent. It is an unlaw Phamaceutical brainwashing is defined as torture under the Torture Victims Protection Act.

Taiwan is another Guantanamore Bay in the West Pacific. The people of Taiwan need your help to get them out of the political purgatory under Chinese regime.

The WWII was over for a long time but not in Taiwan. The military government on Taiwan has never been ended. USMG needs to proclaim the end of military occupation on Taiwan and please help the Taiwan people to build a Civil Government of Taiwan.


Created: Jun 21, 2012


Case 2.

we petition the obama administration to:

Repeal the House of Representatives Resolution 121 to stop aggravating int'l harassment by Korean propaganda & lies!


In "Discount Japan" campaign, using holocaust image conveniently, South Korea takes advantage of Seiji Yoshida's creation "comfort women" which later he confessed a fiction.

Oral testimonies are not evidence of coercing or abduction!

The House Resolution 121 in 2007 is based on fabrication. It gives South Korea a path to accuse Japan for its deed during WWII therefore to justify their murder, abduction, and invasion of Takeshima islands which has abundant of methane hydrate.

If US-Japan alliance is truly the cornerstone of US security interests in Asia and the Pacific and is fundamental to regional stability and prosperity, do NOT allow Koreans to deteriorate it. We strongly request US government to act only based on truth and justice!


臺灣民政府   主    席    曾根 憲昭

臺灣民政府   國務總理    蔡   吉源

臺灣民政府   參議院長    張   文彥


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