


b、Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.


首先美國最高法院在一九六零年ROGERS vs. SHENG 案中,對該條約詮釋為:Japan surrendered all claims of sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores. 如果美國法院認定日本已經放棄對台澎的主權,依該會改寫為:Japan surrendered all sovereignty over Fomosa and the Pescadores.才對,所以美國法院應該很清楚:all claims of sovereignty不等於all sovereignty,也就是說right+title+claim不等於sovereignty,簡單的說,right,title,claim是組成sovereignty的一部分而非全部。對主權獨立的日本而言,日本政府對台灣人民有權力可以主張,相對的,日本政府對台灣人民也有義務(obligation),要保障台灣人民生命財產的安全與權利,在和平條約之中,並沒有任何要求日本政府必須renounce(放棄) all obligation(義務) to Formosa and the Pescadores.所以,事實上,如果依照舊金山和約表面字義說,台灣、澎湖並沒有從日本割讓出去,只是日本政府依該條約,不可以出面「治理或管轄」台灣、澎湖,然而日本仍應對台灣澎湖地區人民有保護之義務,因此正確的法理解釋是:台灣人的母國還是日本,只是不能治理或管轄,流亡中華民國是代理母國的角色,美國則是監護人或管理人,法理上,台灣是美國暫時海外領土,是日本海外的自治區,台灣人民將來可以自己決定前途,台灣與中國之間毫無法理牽扯。


  1. Japan recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet.

由條約來看,如果日本只是renounces all right, title and claim to Korea.並不足以讓Korea成為主權獨立的國家,所會才會使用recognizing the independence of的字眼,因此,此時此刻,日本對朝鮮(韓國)沒有權力也沒有義務是明確的,換言之,日本正式放棄對朝鮮的主權(sovereignty)。舊金山和約並沒有像第二a條之明確規定,像朝鮮獨立出日本,第二b條沒有把Formosa 及Pescadores明文從日本「割讓」出去,固然是種懸空割讓(limbo cession),日本依照法理對台灣紅還有義務(obligation),只是不能有權力(right)。舊金山和約起草人必然有考慮「開羅宣言」與「波次坦宣言」的「主張」,但是中華民國當時已呈流亡狀態,而中華人民共和國則未參與對日戰爭,在當時現狀考量之下,只好讓台澎像「古巴」在美西戰後一樣,讓主要佔領權國的美國管轄,而台灣有機會成為「自治區」(類似包爾前國務卿所講but does not enjoy sovereignty),一方面接受日本母國的暗中保護(enjoy safety),另方面在美國「台灣關係法」的防護傘下發展,這是一種很特別的架構,至少在國際間是絕無僅有。

相較於一八九五年的馬關條約(日稱:下關條約)與一九五二年的舊金山和平條約而言,後者對台灣、澎湖的處理就顯得馬虎而且草率,有關台灣主權和台灣人權只用六個字而已,renounces all right, title and claim,台灣問題就能夠解決嗎?因為交代不清楚,所以台灣國際地位未明,受儘國際打壓與中國武嚇,當然台灣人有必要重新解讀,進一步探討。

日清「馬關條約」第二條內容:Article 2

    China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the following territories, together with all fortifications, arsenals, and public property thereon:—

一八九五年日清馬關條約(下關條約),大清帝國將Formosa和Pescadores之領土所有權,永久且完整地割讓給大日本帝國。相對於perpetuity(永久性)就會有temporality(暫時性),而且對於full sovereignty(完整主權)就會有partial sovereignty(部分主權)。那舊金山和約裡日本所renounce(放棄)的項目到底是永久性(perpetuity)或暫時性(temporality)?而且日本所renounce(放棄)是台灣、澎湖的full sovereignty(完整主權)或是partial sovereignty(部分主權)?參考一九七三年版的Webster’s Dictionary相關字的定義如下:

(一)、renounce:to announce one’s abandonment of the ownership of something  possessed such as a title, a claim.另外同義字有give up, abandon, resign(usually formally)

(二)、cede:to give over (give over有轉讓予他人之意,但是give up 則無轉讓予他人之意)。

(三)、abandon:to cease to assent or exercise an interest, right, or title to, especially with the intent of never again resuming or reasserting it.

(四)、title:an alleged or recognized right, a ground of right(權力基礎),此處的title應解讀為權力基礎,而非一般土地或財產的所有權狀。

(五)、right:a claim or title to property or a possession of property.

(六)、claim:an assertion to a right(對權利的主張)

(七)、challenge:a. to call into question, especially for verification, explanation or justification. ;b. to assert a right, title, or claim to

(八)、nationality:The status of being a national, a legal relationship between an individual and a national involving allegiance on the part of the individual and usually protection on the part of the state. 

(九)、sovereignty:freedom from external control, autonomy, independence. Sovereignty is not an indivisible whole, since it can be partially ceded to a joint authority—European Federation now.

依照Webster’s Dictionary之解釋,renounce和abandon兩者都有”放棄”的意思,其中abandon是”放棄”以後不再取回之意,而renounce則會有”放棄”後再取回之意,依照慣例習慣,放棄的財物或財產,如未經合法程序轉讓予他人,也有選擇是當時機、或適當安排取回原先已”放棄”之物,renounce本身並無永遠放棄之意(give up in perpetuity)。根據筆者發表之「美國國務院及國防部之機密檔案」,一九五零年六月二十五日韓戰爆發之前,麥克阿瑟將軍認為,被委託來台接受日軍投降的蔣介石之中國國民黨政權,貪污腐敗無能力治理台灣,當年有意將台灣再歸還給日本,傳言並非空穴來風,將經國日記第四十四頁亦有相同記載,但因故而未執行,估計被”中國遊說團(China Lobby)”所敗。日本雖然有台灣潛在主權(potential sovereignty),但是美國當年考慮自身利益之時,美國仍然接受(accept)流亡中華民國能在台灣運作(exercise)的理由,主要美國是為戰爭「征服者」,日本政府沒有理由不能resume all right, title, and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.為了表現征服者的絕對分配與支配的權威,美國當然有權從日本剝奪權力,也當然有權賦予權力。一九七九年在台灣關係法(Taiwan Relation Act )提及governing authorities on Taiwan 的successor(繼承者)包括political subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities(代理政權)。過去,美國眼中的governing authorities on Taiwan所指的是蔣介石的中華民國政權,目前的successor則為民進黨政權,是屬於political subdivision,將來如果由台灣平民政府(Taiwan government)或是日本政府當successor,the governing authorities應該可以被重新正名為the authorities of Taiwan.


再研究舊金山和平條約第二b條,日本地方法院在一九五二年依據本條約取消台灣人的日本國籍,該條約內容是b、Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.在Webster’s Dictionary經常是right, title, claim三者連袂出現,right:是權力的主體,title:是權力的基礎,claim:是權力的主張。但是如果right+ title+ claim等於full right是完整的權利主體,所以renounces all right, title and claim to˙˙˙可以該寫為renounces full right to˙˙˙


   2、China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the following territories, together with all fortifications, arsenals, and public property thereon:—

2b、Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.

日清「馬關條約」China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty而cedes後面有接受國,而在「舊金山和約」Japan renounces full right to Formosa and the Pescadores.而renounces後面無接受國,所以cedes不等於renounces,換言之,「割讓」不等於「放棄」,所以理論上來說,台灣根本還沒有從日本正式「割讓(cedes)」出去,只是「放棄(renounces)」而已。

Sovereignty組成並非單一元素,因此,並不是不可分割,因其可被部分轉讓予joint authority。主權分成硬體或稱有形體,如土地、人民等;軟體或稱無形體,如right, title, claim, responsibility, duty, obligation, power, allegiance.正式來說sovereignty carries with it responsibility(除了權利外還有責任),因此full right 不等於full sovereignty 但是等於partial sovereignty日本「放棄」的應該只是部分主權而非主權的全部,而日本所放棄的是台灣的治理權或使用權。

日本依條約放棄台、澎之治理權、使用權,台、澎主權當然落入「主要佔領權國(the principal power)」美國手中,美國自己不使用,轉交給流亡中華民國使用至今,所以美國稱:We accept the exercise of the Chinese authority over Formosa. 現在終於了解原來的exercise的意思是指對台灣的治理權、使用權,如果台灣領土的主權不在美國手上,那麼合理推斷還是在日本手中,美國征服者則握有操縱並控制對台灣治理權、使用權大權,而流亡中華民國目前是實質在治理、使用台灣,其實背後有美國龐大的身影存在。對台灣人而言,日本才是母國,流亡中華民國只是代理母國,而美國則是監護人身份。

台灣人要尋回真正的國籍,先找美國監護人是正確的,只有監護人才能替台灣人找回母國,日本依舊金山和約不能對台灣有「claim主張」,然而,台灣人有權去挑戰日本政府有關台灣人的隱形國籍。People of Formosa and the Pescadores can challenge the government of Japan for Japanese Nationality.這裡challenge等於to assert a right, title, and claim to 馬關條約(日稱:下關條約)第五條:

Article 5

    The inhabitants of the territories ceded to Japan who wish to take up their residence outside the ceded districts shall be at liberty to sell their real property and retire. For this purpose a period of two years from the date of the exchange of ratifications of the present Act shall be granted. At the expiration of that period those of the inhabitants who shall not have left such territories shall, at the option of Japan, be deemed to be Japanese subjects.
    Each of the two Governments shall, immediately upon the exchange of the ratifications of the present Act, send one or more Commissioners to Formosa to effect a final transfer of that province, and within the space of two months after the exchange of the ratifications of this Act such transfer shall be completed.

有關台灣人民國籍處置或財產,給予兩年思考期,自願留在台灣者,日本政府給予日本國民身分,事實上,台灣人初期不會說日語,並沒有被日本视為日本人,直到第十七代總督小林擠造(一九三六年九月二日至一九四零年十一月二十七日)開始徹底實施皇民化政策,將台灣人與日本內地一視同仁,台灣人真正開始被視為日本人有日本國籍,擁有right, title, claim ,因此,針對日本政府沒有完全依照舊金山和約,對台灣人權忽視並且沒有維護之責任,台灣人有必要向日本政府要回公道。

一九五二年八月五日,日本政府與流亡中華民國模仿馬關條約,處理台灣領土和台灣人民歸屬,簽屬Treaty of Taipei,(該約後來於一九七二年中日建交後被取消)但是不要忘記一九五二年四月二十八日「舊金山合約」對此有設限,限制日本政府可以單獨與他國簽約,但是不能超過「舊金山合約」之授權範圍,該和約第二十六條如下:

Article 26

Japan will be prepared to conclude with any State which signed or adhered to the United Nations Declaration of 1 January 1942, and which is at war with Japan, or with any State which previously formed a part of the territory of a State named in Article 23, which is not a signatory of the present Treaty, a bilateral Treaty of Peace on the same or substantially the same terms as are provided for in the present Treaty, but this obligation on the part of Japan will expire three years after the first coming into force of the present Treaty. Should Japan make a peace settlement or war claims settlement with any State granting that State greater advantages than those provided by the present Treaty, those same advantages shall be extended to the parties to the present Treaty.

Treaty of Taipei目的是想廢除馬關條約,事實上,台灣在馬關條約之前,台灣可被治理的土地只有三分之一,而欲使台灣恢復馬關條約之前狀態,簡直是不可能,馬關條約之後,台灣才由日本人開發,所以縱然流亡中華民國想以廢除馬關條約作為劫取台灣的目的,恐怕徒勞而無功,更何況「舊金山和約」第二十六條言名在先,日本不得與其他國簽署超過條約規範的範圍,所以廢除馬關條約之議是荒謬無比之事。

台北和約第四條Article 4(有關台灣領土之處置)英語原文 :  

 It is recognized that all treaties, conventions, and agreements concluded before 9 December 1941 between Japan and China have become null and void as a consequence of the war.

台北和約第十條Article 10(有關台灣人民之處置)英語原文:

    For the purposes of the present Treaty, nationals of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all the inhabitants and former inhabitants of Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) and their descendents who are of the Chinese nationality in accordance with the laws and regulations which have been or may hereafter be enforced by the Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores); and juridical persons of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all those registered under the laws and regulations which have been or may hereafter be enforced by the Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores).


No provision has been made either in the San Francisco Treaty or the Sino-Japanese Treaty as to the future of Taiwan and Penghu. Yet further explained :”In fact, we control(註一) them now, and undoubtedly they constitute a part of our territories. The delicate international situation, however, they do not belong to us(註二). In these circumstances, Japan has no right to transfer(註三) Formosa(Taiwan)and the Pescadores (Penghu)to us. Not could we accept such a transfer from Japan (註四)even if she wished to do so.”

依戰爭法的規範,佔領不能移轉主權,除非有「條約」的制定,國際間至今沒有台灣、澎湖被移轉主權的條約被制定,台灣在「舊金山和約」中只有「暫時」被「主要佔領權」美國「征服者」所管理,而美國接受台灣當局管理台灣澎湖(US accept the Taiwanese authority to control Formosa and the Pescadores.),美國依照憲法應給沒有國籍的台灣人美國國民護照,這是規定,美國不能模糊,中華民國護照是假的文書,美國不能繼續接受,美國如果還接受中華民國護照是「殘忍對待」台灣人,要接受法律制裁。


作者:林 志 昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)

福爾摩沙法理建國會  執行長





Japan recognizes the validity of (注一)dispositions of (注二)property of(注三) Japan and Japanese nationals(注四) made by or pursuant to directives of the United States Military Government (注五)in any of the areas referred to in Articles 2 and 3.


Japan recognizes the validity of dispositions of property of Japan and(disposition of) Japanese nationals ˙˙˙˙˙(第一種解讀)

Japan recognizes the validity of dispositions of property of Japan and(property of) Japanese nationals ˙˙˙˙˙(第二種解讀)


整句文字中所提及之United States Military Government就是征服者的the Principal Occupying power在佔領地日本的行政機構,而指揮官的職責應為:A commanding general of occupied territory is charged with the duty of maintaining peace and order, punishing crime, and protecting lives and property within the area of his command.



Japan recognizes the validity of dispositions of property of Japan and(property of) Japanese nationals ˙˙˙˙˙(第二種解讀)
參照Jean Bodin(1530-1596),who is considered to be the modern initiator of the concept of sovereignty 的論述:
Sovereignty is no one’s property:by essence, it is inalienable

Article 4b中所指之property應該是指日本政府的主權和日本國民財產,政府的資產即為主權(國民個人不會擁有),軍事政府對「主權」能夠處分和支配,這是主要佔領權國的軍事政府被舊金山和約所合法授權。

Article 4a:

Subject to the provisions of paragraph b. of this Article, the disposition of property of Japan and of its nationals in the areas referred to in Article 2, and their claims, including debts, against the authorities presently administering such areas and the residents (including juridical persons) thereof, and the disposition in Japan of property of such authorities and residents, and of claims, including debts, of such authorities and residents against Japan and its nationals, shall be the subject of special arrangements between Japan and such authorities˙˙

由Article 4a之內容更可清楚得知句中之property應該是分別針對日本政府的主權(資產)及日本國民的財產而言。

另外,由Article 4a和4b所衍生的問題:

句中所稱之property of Japan and Japanese nationals made by or pursuant to directives of the United States Military Government in any of the areas referred to in Articles 2 and 3.其涵義進一步探討,能具體得到分析:

  1. A.    property of Japan in Taiwan如何解讀:


  1. B.    property of Japanese nationals in Taiwan又如何解讀:

日本承認美國軍事政府處置並分配日本在台灣國民財產之有效性,句中所稱之Japanese nationals所指為何?舊金山和約是國際法律文件,文中所稱Japanese nationals當然不是通稱的日本人(大和民族之日本人),而是泛指法理上的日本國民(包含大和裔、台灣裔、琉球裔、朝鮮裔)。雖說中華民國在「舊金山和約」簽定之前的一九四六年,強制(impose)台灣人「恢復」中華民國國籍,而日本則於一九五二年以該和約為據,剝奪(deprive)台灣人的日本國籍,事實是:台灣人至今沒有國籍。因為impose和deprive完全不符合國際間移轉國籍的三個原則,主動(active)、自願(voluntary)、合法(legal),中華民國單方面宣稱台灣人是中華民國「國籍」,一九四六年宣佈當時英國與美國發表聲明:「不承認」在案,日本單方面在一九五二年二月雖經法院宣稱台灣人「不是」日本國籍,並沒有給台灣人法定的「思考期」,依國際法及人權的法理角度來看,完全不合法。




舊金山和約是國際法律文件,不可含任何「感情」因素,條約所稱Japanese nationals在法理上應包括Formosan與Pescadoresan。舊金山和約生效後,依Article 2a,日本承認independence of Korea朝鮮人已非日本國民。至於台灣人的國籍,在法理上並沒有合法正式轉移,因此,法理上可以還是日本國籍,只是目前處於「懸空(limbo)狀態」。



(一)     關於日本國民(大和裔)部分:


(二)     關於台灣裔日本國民部分:


作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)

福爾摩沙法理建國會  執行長

2007/06/07初稿   2011/07/19修定 


Article 23 (a) The present Treaty shall be ratified by the States which sign it, including Japan, and will come into force for all the States which have then ratified it, when instruments of ratification have been deposited by Japan and by a majority, including the United States of America(註一) as the principal occupying Power(註二), of the following States(註三), namely Australia, Canada, Ceylon, France, Indonesia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Republic of the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America(註四). The present Treaty shall come into force of each State which subsequently ratifies it, on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.


最讓中國學者與台灣學者不懂的依據話就是the principal occupying Power(註二),到底是主要佔領國?或主要佔領權國?對戰爭法不是很清楚的學者很容易會造成自說自話,或因立場不同而有不同的解讀,真正的原義會被曲解,就依一九七三年版的Webster’s Dictionary之解釋,occupy:(a)、to take possession of by conquest (b)、to maintain possession or control of by military occupation可知佔領一定要透過軍事行動之「征服」,佔領是「果」而征服是「因」,因此無關「主要佔領」國或「主要佔領權」國,重要的是「主要征服者」,日本是向同盟國投降,沒錯。但是讓日本投降的軍事行動主要的是美國單獨所為,攻擊日本本土或日屬台灣的都是美國單獨行動,這在戰爭法中是佔領地的「因」,是征服者的具體體現,所以美國是征服者的身份完全沒有錯,主要征服者當然對佔領地有絕對的支配權,因此,主要佔領者擁有主要佔領權(right to occupy),沒錯。


再談power:(a)、capability of action or of producing an effect(b)、prestige,political sway (c)、delegated right or privilege (d)、a sovereign state所以知道power的定義有多層面,翻譯成「國家」或「權力」,要依照英語句子的結構。Occupying power要詮釋為occupying state(佔領國):state which occupies或是occupying right(佔領權):right to occupy前提只有一個,誰是征服者(the conqueror)所以,the principal occupying power之真正意義為:The principal occupying power carries with it the principal occupying power.這就是舊金山和約精神所在之處,The principal occupying conqueror has the privilege to occupy.表現主要征服者具有主要佔領的權力。



the United States of America指的是一個”State”,此處的美國是one of the allied powers,然而,在(註一)的the United States of America as the principal occupying power,所強調的並不是”State”,而是the principal conqueror,強調美國必須包含在十一國的Majority(六國以上)之內,換句話來說,美國提醒同盟國各國,美國才是戰爭法中的「主要征服者」,美日太平洋戰爭時,美國是唯一單獨攻擊日本本土跟台灣的國家,沒有美國征服日本,同盟國根本還沒有勝利。


因此,the principal occupying power解讀為the principal conqueror(主要征服者)會比較合乎英語原有意義,但是在條約翻譯為漢文時,為了讓文法符合正確精神,主要佔領權國是唯一選擇。主要征服者當然有優先佔領權,對佔領地也有優先處分跟分配權,如此就會有「主要」跟「次要」之分,這在海牙第四公約與日內瓦公約中都有明文規定(另文介紹),蔣介石當年以chinese authority在台灣exercise並不是因為同盟國「接受或同意」,而是因為主要征服者美國「accept」的,所以台灣會變得如此落魄,美國有不可推卸的責任。

作者:林 志 昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)

福爾摩沙法理建國會  執行長



一九四五年八月十五日日本天皇宣佈:「無條件投降(停戰)」,九月二日正式呈遞「投降書(正式停戰)」,宣佈「停止戰爭」,盟軍於一九五一年九月八日與日本簽署「舊金山和平條約」,一九五二年四月二十八日條約生效,戰爭終止(終戰)。本文深度解析舊金山和平條約,同盟國對本土台灣人的影響,包括投降後盟國間與聯合國之文件往來分析,特別是條約起草人杜勒斯(John Foster Dulles,1888年2月25日-1959年5月24日)之思維。





(三)一九五零年六月二十五日爆發朝鮮戰爭後,美國於一九五零年十一月十五日,決定不讓聯合國處理台灣問題,以免台灣落入中國共產黨之手,而且於一九五一年一月十二日美國宣稱:只要求日本對台灣行使「放棄」,而無渋「未來歸屬future status」,因此,這種形式的「放棄」,形同維持原來台灣之「原有歸屬present status」而不必轉移中國。也因為如此,台灣之「原有歸屬present status」沒有改變unchanged,而「未來歸屬future status」沒有決定(undecided)。


(四)英國於一九五一年六月五日決定同意美國觀點,不再主張台灣應移交中國。而且美國英國兩國則是於一九五一年六月二十五日達成共識,決定廢棄開羅宣言,不讓中國(Nationalist China/Communist China)參與多邊對日和約(舊金山和平條約)的簽署。






(乙)美國對琉球託管是採取「所有ownership」,以及「治理administration」分離的原則,而流亡在台的中國政權,只是因為代理美國軍事政府而取得「現有治理present administration」,至於台灣的「原有歸屬present status」即「所有ownership」因從來沒有轉移而從未改變。


(七)舊金山和平條約生效當天,美國和日本簽署「美日安保條約」,明定美國與日本在安保體系之「交集」,其形成核心就是「台灣防衛Taiwan Defense」,而其太平洋防線之構成是為:鹿兒島(KAGOSHIMA)至琉球群島(OKINAWA)延長至福爾摩沙群島(FORMOSA)。






作者:林 志 昇    (武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)






b. Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.   b. 日本国は、台湾及び澎湖諸島に対するすべての権利、権原及び請求権を放棄する。


  1. 1.     Title is distinct from possession, a right that often accompanies ownership but is not necessarily to prove it.  “Title”不同於「持有」,是一種經常隨伴著「所有權」,然而卻又不能足以證明為其所有,是一種的權利。換句話說,”ownership”足以衍生”Title”,可是,享有“Title”則未必擁有”ownership”。
  2. 2.     In law, possession is the control a person intentionally exercises toward a thing. Possession requires both control and intention.  在法律上,「持有」:是表示一個人有「意願」,對一種事務行使「控制」。簡單地說,「持有」之成立必須存在著「意願」以及「控制」。
  3. 3.     Possession does not always imply ownership. 「持有」未必是「擁有」。以台灣目前地位為例:流亡中國政權只是實質「持有possession」,而不是法理「擁有own」台灣。另外,可以從一九四七年「對義大利條約」第二十三條條文中,可以清楚得知Libra, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland為義大利之”territorial possession(屬地),而義大利對其屬地,是建立於「主張權或稱宣有權claim to territory」法源上之”right to territory” 以及”title to territory”。由此例可以得知,除了「擁有ownership」以外,「持有possession」也能夠衍生’Title”。下面是一九四七年「對義大利條約」第二十三條條文參考:

a. Italy renounces all right and title to the Italian territorial possessions in Africa, ie. Libya, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland.義大利放棄所有對其在非洲屬地,即利比亞、伊利西亞和義屬索馬利亞之權力(處分權、管轄權和占享權)

b. Pending their final disposal, the said possessions shall continue under their present administration.暫時不做最終處分,所提及之屬地將繼續由目前之管理當局管轄。

c. The final disposal of these possessions shall be determined jointly by the Governments of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty, in the manner laid down in the joint declaration of 10 February 1947 issued by the said Governments, which is reproduced in Annex XI. 這些屬地最終處分將在條約生效後一年,由蘇聯、英國、美國以及法國政府,依照附件寫於一九四七年二月十日,所發布之聯合聲明中,所記載之不同方法,共同決定其最終處分。

4.Ownership involves multiple rights, collectively referred to as title , which may be separated and held by different parties.  所有權是包含著多樣的權利,總和被稱為”title”,其是可以分割,而被不同方式所持有。


5. In many cases, both possession and title may be transferred independence of each other. 在許多情況下,「擁有ownership」和Title是可以任意轉換。下面有個例子說明:Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan,日文:日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の相互協力及び安全保障条約),簡稱美日安保條約,這是一九五二年簽「美日安全協議」後,雙方再於1960年1月19日華盛頓正式簽訂,條約第一條第四項提及之”Title to or possession of”,完全適用於該原則。這是因為取得「持有possession」當然享有”title”,反之,因為取得”title”,所以享有「持有possession」。


6. The equitable title refers to the actual enjoyment and use of property, whereas a legal title implies actual ownership.  “有效的title”是只可以「實質享用」財產,而”法理title”則是意味著「實質擁有」財產。因此,所謂”all title”意即「完整title」,就是將「有效title」加上「法理title」。這裡有個例子可做參考:對日舊金山和約第二條,和對義大利和約第二十三條,都是規定放棄”all title to territory”,這跟第一次世界大戰後,戰勝國協約國對戰敗國同盟國的和約。協約國和同盟國於1918年11月11日宣布停火,經過巴黎和會長達六個月談判後,於1919年6月28日,在巴黎的凡爾賽宮簽署條約,標誌著第一次世界大戰終戰,於1920年1月20日正式生效。該和約第三十三、三十四條是規定放棄”all title over territory”,那麼,放棄”all title to territory”和放棄”all title over territory”有何不同?說明如下:


a. 放棄all title” to” territory

在領土沒有指定移轉的情況下,所放棄的title to territory是指由「主權權利rights of sovereignty」,或「主權主張(宣示)claims of sovereignty」所衍生因為佔領而享有之「佔領享有權」。

b. 放棄all title” over” territory

此處之all title是指結合實質享受之「有效Title」,與實質擁有之「法理Title」而形成「完整Title」。放棄”all title over territory”之說法,是使用於領土有被指定轉移之情況,因此,其所放棄標的是「主權sovereignty」。


從上文,可以得到結論:因為有possession of territory,所以可以有Title to territory,相反的也是一樣。在舊金山和平條約第二條第二項規定:日本「放棄」Title to Taiwan,也可說就是「放棄」possession of Taiwan(持有台灣),而不是放棄ownership of Taiwan(擁有台灣),簡單地說:日本應該放棄的只是「持有台灣」,而非放棄「擁有台灣」,日本政府和學者將Title to Taiwan在教科書中翻譯成:「放棄對台灣之權原(權力來源)」,是嚴重的誤解和錯誤,本土台灣人要向日本政府說:「您們在幹什麼?」(待續)

作者:林 志昇  (武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)





自從一九四五年九月二日日本政府正式投降以後,直到一九五一年九月八日簽署多邊對日和平條約,也就是舊金山和平條約,主要征服者美國負責與主要參戰國家談判,杜勒斯(John Foster Dulles,1888年2月25日-1959年5月24日)是條約原始起草人,本文針對各國意見整理,將同盟國之意見發表如下:


一、           November 11, 1950 (Circular telegram from the Secretary of State to the Secretary of Defense)”Noting that the Signatories to the Cairo Declaration declared it to be one of their purposes that certain territories formerly held by Japan., including Formosa and the Pescadores, Should be restored to the Republic of China and that no formal act restoring sovereignty over these territories to China has yet occurred;˙˙”一九五零年十一月十一日美國國務卿致國防部長之電報附件提及:「鑑於開羅宣言之參與國,宣稱某些過去日本所持有之領土,包括台灣,應該歸還中華民國,是目的之一,可是至今沒有出現正式法令,以將該領土之主權歸還中國˙˙˙」

二、           November 14, 1950(Minutes of the 39th Meeting of the United States Delegation to the UN General Assembly)”Mr. Allison Stated that Formosa constituted one of the most controversial problems, not only, in our own country., but also among our friends in the United Nations.˙˙˙He pointed out that it had been agreed at Cairo and at Potsdam that Formosa should be Chinese. Pursuant to these agreements, the Chinese army had taken the surrender of the Japanese on Formosa, and China had maintained administrative control over the island. It was now the headquarters of the Nationalist Government.˙˙˙. There was also a problem of the native population of Formosa some 7,500,000 people. Their rights had not been fully considered in the past. He noted that when it had been agreed at Cairo to return Formosa. To China, it was a different China which was involved.”聯合國總會一九五零年十一月十四日第三十九次會議紀錄,提及:「(顧問團特別助理)Mr. Allison稱台灣是造成不只我國,還有其他聯合國盟國間最具爭議之問題。˙˙他指出,在開羅和波次坦已經同意台灣歸屬中國。中國軍隊依照這些協議得以在台灣,日本接受投降後,中國並持續治理。目前其為中國國民政府之總部。˙˙而七百五十萬本土台灣人其權利在過去並未被充分考慮,也是一個問題。他指出,在開羅時同意台灣歸還之中國(中華民國),並非此時所牽渋之中國(中華人民共和國)。」

三、           October 23, 1950 (Memorandum by Conversation by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affair)”Mr. Daridan called at my suggestion in connection with a Japanese treaty……In answer to his question whether our position on Formosa did not constitute a departure from the terms of Cairo Agreement, I replied that the circumstances had changed greatly since that time. And that the results of the General Assembly’s consideration of the Formosa problem would doubtless have an important bearing on our and other countries final position on the question.” 美國東北亞事務局主管Mr. Robert A. Fearey於一九五零年十月三十一日會議備忘錄時提出:「法國駐美大使館公使Mr. Jean Daridan基於本人建議下,來洽談有關對日和約事宜。˙˙,為答覆其問及我方對台灣之立場,是否不致偏離開羅協議之約定,我告訴他,從那時起的情況已經有很大的改變,而聯合國總會考量台灣問題之結果,毫無疑問,會和我方以及其他國家對此問題的最終立場,有重大之關聯。」

四、           November 19, 1950 (Memorandum by  by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affair to the Deputy Director of that (Johnson)Office )”In spite of all that has transpired, and that the military would charge us with reopening an issue already decided by the President, I believe we should insist that the military gives us convincing reasons why we should not either (1)seek the same military rights in the Ryukyus as in the main islands, but on a permanent basis, (2)seek a 99-yesrs lease leas of the particular areas in the Ryukyus that we require, leaving the rest under Japanese ownership and administration.” 美國東北亞事務局主管Mr. Robert A. Fearey於一九五零年十一月十四日致該局副主任Mr. Johnson辦公室備忘錄時提及:「儘管所發生之一切事情,讓軍方指責我們重提總統已經決定之議題,我認為,我們應該強調,軍方會給予我們有利的理由,為何我們不應該(一)圖謀永久軍事佔領琉球,或(二)圖謀九十九年租用琉球特定區,而將其他地區歸屬日本所有及治理。」

五、           Memorandum of Conversation, by the Special Assistant to the Consultant (Allison)SECRET WASHINTON January 12,1951

“From the political point of view, it is necessary that any peace settlement be based upon the free will of the Japanese and any settlement which imposed long-term, post-treaty controls or limitations would be a bad thing as we cannot expect the Japanese to acquiesce in a settlement which would mean that Japan would in perpetuity be a second-class nation. The United States, there fore, proposes a simple, non-punitive treaty, with no post-treaty controls, which will bring Japan quickly back into a position of complete sovereignty among the other nations.” 聯合國特別助理顧問Allison先生於一九五一年一月十二日,在華盛頓會談紀錄中提及:「就政治觀點來看,任何和平解決必須基於日本人民之自由意志,而任何強制之條約簽署後,長期的控制和限制並不能解決問題,正如我們不能期待日本人用默認之方式解決,此意味著日本永遠是次等國家。因此,美國提出一個無條約後的控制,比較單純,而不是以逞罰性之條約,這可以讓日本比較迅速恢復為完全主權國家,而立足於國際社會之中。」

六、           Minutes – Dulles Mission Staff Meeting, January 31, 1951 (Ambassador Dulles’s Press Conference )” Ambassador Dulles said that the planned to make three main points at his press conference that afternoon. 1. The Mission is in Japan to hold discussions regarding a peace settlement. It is not here to conclude agreements. It is hoped that agreements will follow further consultation with the Allies. 2. The discussions will not re-open matters already settled in the surrender terms. 3. The Mission has nothing to do with the occupation. Such questions as a possible relaxation of the purge are solely within the responsibility of SCAP, the FEC and the Allied Council.” 美國特使杜勒斯在一九五一年一月三十一日記者會上,宣布三項要點:

(一)本次任務,是在日本所舉行如何和平解決之會談,不是簽訂和平條約。預計協議將遵照盟國進一歩之協商。(二)本次會談,將不會重提已經在投降條款決定之事。(三)本次任務與佔領無關。如果是有關可能解除的問題,完全是在盟軍最高總部之權責範圍內。Ambassador Dulles explained “that the United States might want to re-open the Ryukyus question but if it does so, it would for its own reasons. The Japanese should not be allowed to re-open this issue since they agreed in the surrender terms to the limitation of their territories to the four main islands and such other islands as the Allies might determine.” The United Stated should not lightly assume responsibility for nearly a million alien people thousand of miles from its shores. We do not want another Puerto Rico. The Ryukyus were not open to discussion. It is up to the Allies to decide how they wish the islands disposed of and administered. 特使杜勒斯解釋稱:「美國或許會重提琉球問題,如果是這樣的話,也是有自己的理由之故。由於日本在投降條款理,已經同意將其領土限制在四個主要大的島嶼,以及盟國所決定之其他小島,所以,不應該被允許重提此議題。」美國不應該輕率地,為遠在數千里之近百萬人口外國人承擔責任,我們不需要另一個波多黎各,琉球不開放討論,這需要看盟國如何處分以及治理該群島。

七、The Telegram from the Charge in the Philippines (Harrington)to the Secretary

    of State SECRET   MANILA, June 12, 1951

    “With respect to security, draft letter recommends placing Formosa and        Pescadores under UN trusteeship as basis interim solution for agreement as to which particular government or people should succeed to rights, titles and claims of Japan over Formosa. The letter suggests UN need not now disturb present administration of Nationalist Chinese over Formosa and Pescadores and stresses that Philippine Government views with grave concern any arrangement under which these islands might pass into unfriendly hand. 美國駐菲律賓經濟辦公室Harrington先生於一九五一年六月十二日致國務卿秘密電文提及:「在安全方面,所草擬之信建議,在尚未協議應由哪個政府,或人民接手日本對台灣之權力、名義以及主張之前,將台灣交由聯合國託管,以為過渡期間解決之基石,這封信建議聯合國無需干擾中國國民黨政府,目前在台灣之治理,並強調菲律賓政府嚴重關切,任何以將台灣群島交給不友善鄰邦之手中。」

七、           Memorandum of Conversations, by the Consultant to the Secretary (Dulles)and the second secretary of the Embassy in France (Utter),  SECRET   PARIS, June 11, 1951.  “the Soviet Union took the position that the Yalta Agreement was not subject to review by the UN. And both Chinese factions took the same view regarding Formosa. It seemed there fore better to limit the Japanese peace treaty to liquidating the Japanese interest and not going into the question of how the future might be dealt with. He felt that it was dangerous by treaty to impose upon the U.N. a responsibility so heavy that it might even disrupt the U.N. itself. There seemed to be acquiescence in this point of view….., Mr. Dulles said that the U.S. believed that Habomai Islands were not historically a part of the Kurile Islands but that we felt it better to leave the issue of what was a correct definition of the Kurile Islands to subsequent arbitration or Word Court decision rather than to precipitation the issue in the Japanese peace treaty itself, particularly since the Russians were already in occupation of the habomai Islands.” 國務卿顧問杜勒斯一九五一年六月十一日,與法國大使館二等秘書Utter會談,在備忘錄中提及:「蘇聯所採取的立場是雅爾達協議,不應該屈從聯合國之審議,而中國各黨派之人對台灣也是持相同之觀點。杜勒斯認為在條約中強加予聯合國如此重責,會讓聯合國本身可能進入瓦解之危險,在此觀點上,似乎獲得大家的默認。˙˙˙杜勒斯稱:美國相信齒舞島在歷史上並非千島列島之一部分,然而我方認為,將千島列島的正確定爭論,留待以後在國際法庭上去仲裁而決定,不要列入對日和約本身,以免造成爭論,尤其是齒舞島已經在蘇聯佔領中。」



作者:林 志昇  (武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)





「萬國公法The Public Law of Nations」出現在「福爾摩沙法理建國會」之「台灣國際地位」文章與論述多次,本土台灣人一向不甚了解,在此特地為文介紹。


一八三六年美國律師Henry Wheaton所著寫出版,該書原名是稱:「Elements of International Law(國際法初步)」,該書出版後,深得國際社會的讚賞,一般的評價是:1. The「Elements of International Law(國際法初步)」has ever since its Publication been regarded throughout Europe as a Standard authority. (國際法初步)自從出版後,已經被全歐洲視為權威根據。2. Henry Wheaton’s 「Elements of International Law(1836)」was translated into many languages and became a standard work. Henry Wheaton所著(國際法初步1836)被翻譯成各種語言,並且成為權威著作。3. In 1864, a translation into Chinese was made and published at Peking by order of the imperial government. 3.在一八六四年,大清帝國下令,翻譯成漢文並且在北京出版。


The「Elements of International Law(國際法初步)」自一八三六年出版後,立刻被西方列強奉為「世界觀的聖經」。中國大清帝國在一八六四年,日本帝國明治政府則在一八六五年引進該書,甚至將該書定名為:「萬國公法The public law of Nations」。雖然是由美國律師所著作,但是被西方列強所承認而被共同遵守之國際法源,當然,中國與日本都必須跟進而且承認。大清與明治政府要面對的是西方列強世界觀之一部份,需要承認「萬國公法」。


「萬國公法」提出:「Some states are completely sovereign and independent, acknowledging no superior but the supreme Ruler and Government of the Universe. The sovereignty of other states is limited and qualified in various degrees.」「若干國家是完全自主與獨立,不承認還有更高的上位,除了全世界最高統治者及政府以外,其他國家的主權都是被抑制,及限定成各種等級。」




太平洋戰爭後,日本昭和政府國會必須承認,麥克阿瑟將軍主導下之美國律師陸軍中校Milo Rowell,以及美國陸軍准將Courtney Whitney共同擬定之日本憲法,被稱為「和平憲法Peace Constitution」,以恢復成為主權國家。”Lieutenant Colonel Milo Rowell worked with Brigadier General Courtney Whitney to prepare a draft constitution for the Diet of Japan to approve.”




依照「萬國公法」架構,對於國家權力及義務之規範,日本對台灣有不可移轉之天賦義務,舊金山和約第二條第二項規定,日本不得「恢復行使(放棄)」其對台灣所有之「主權權利」,包括日本對台灣所持有之(title to Taiwan or Possession to Taiwan)。在台灣是日本之國土一部分的事實之下,台灣領土的未來,只能在日本的征服者美國安排下,比照琉球模式「回歸日本」,或是成為日本之「聯邦自治區」,然後完成國際地位正常化。


絕大多數之主權國家,在其憲法中都不承認所謂「分離而自決主義」,甚至明白禁止,包括在憲法內寫入「反分離條款anti-secession clause」,及至一九九六年,國際間只有Austria, Ethiopia, France, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis Republics等國家之憲法條文以明示或暗示「分離權rights to secession」。儘管現實中,已經有存在「已經分離」或「經過自治」而自決之模式,除非今天的美國支持「台灣自治」,否則日本似乎不可能在其憲法中增列「分離條款」,明示或暗示台灣領土可以自日本分離出去。(待續)

作者:林 志昇 (武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)






1、Memorandum by Mr. Robert A. Fearer of the Office of Northeast Asians to the Deputy Director of that Office C. Johnson    SECRET WASHINGTON, November 14, 1950

“POLAD’S attached dispatch confirms information from other sources that the Japanese public is attaching extraordinary importance to the disposition of the Ryukyu and Kurile Islands, and to lesser extent the Bonins and volcanos, in the treaty. The Socialist and Democratic parties have placed themselves formally on record as opposing and treaty provisions surrendering Japanese sovereignty over territories “historically and racially Japanese Government spokesman members of the party have on several occasions asserted Japan’s claim to continued sovereignty over the Ryukyu and Kuriles.”華盛頓機密:一九五零年十一月十四日,美國東北亞事務局Robert A. Fearer給該局副主任C. Johnson備忘錄,提及:「POLAD’S所交付之文件,確認了來自其他來源之情報,日本社會相較於小笠原群島和硫磺島群島之處分,比較在意琉球群島及千島列島在條約中之處分。社會黨和民主黨已經在正式會議紀錄中,反對任何條約條款,將歷史上及人種上之日本領土主權讓出。執政黨自民黨之政府發言人在幾個場合提出日本延續琉球及千島主權之主張。」


“If you have time I suggest that you read the marked passages in the second to last enclosure to the dispatch, containing an unusually pointed and well reasoned petition by Okinawan residents in Japan, and of the last enclosure, a pathetic petition by former residents of the Bonins.”「如果您有時間,我建議您去讀文件之第二至最後附件內所標示章節,包括居住在日本的琉球人民都非常強調,而且很有道理之陳情,以及在最後附件中,前小笠原群島居民哀怨之陳情。」


2、Minutes of the 40th Meeting of the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly SECRET  November 15, 1950

“Ambassador Austin noted that the he had expressed great curiosity about Formosa. It had been assumed that in any peace treaty Japan would renounce all its claims to the island. Ambassador Austin wondered whether the Japanese were building up hopes for eventual return of this island to Japan. Mr. Allison did not believe this feeling was widespread in Japan. When he had been there last summer with Mr. Dulles he had seen no evidence of such sentiment although the Japanese did entertain hopes with respect to certain other islands.”一九五零年十一月十五日,美國代表團在聯合國總會第四十次會議紀錄中,提出:「奧斯丁大使表示:他對台灣有很大的好奇心。推測日本會在任何和平條約中,放棄對台灣一切之主張,奧斯丁大使想知道,日本是否希望台灣島最終會回歸日本?Mr. Allison不認為這種感學在日本廣為流行,去年夏天,Mr. Allison和Mr. Dulles再日本時,並沒有如此感情的痕跡,然而,日本確實對其他某些島嶼懷抱希望。」


3、Undated Memorandum by the Prime Minister of Japan (YOSHIDA)(TOKYO-1950)

SUGGESTED AGENDA    I. Territorial (the Ryukyu and Bonin Islands)

“2、We ask that the following points be considered in the interest of the lasting American-Japanese friendship (a)It is desired that these islands will be returned to Japan as soon as the need of trusteeship disappears. (b)They be allowed to retain Japanese nationality. (c)Japan will be made a joint authority together with the United States.



4、Telegram from the secretary of State to the United States Adviser to SCAP (Sebald) CONFDENTIAL PRIOPITY  WASHINGTON August 2, 1951

“As regards Ryukyu and Bonin Treaty grants, Yoshida pled to me that Japanese sovereignty should not be renounced,˙˙˙”一九五一年八月二日,美國國務院Sebald顧問向英國首相懇求:「日本不應該放棄琉球和小笠原群島之主權˙˙」



作者:林 志昇 (武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)






“My Dear Mr. Dulles :I appreciate very much the splendid service you have been rendering in connection with our desire to accomplish an early Japanese Peace Settlement.˙˙˙In conducting such discussions, You will be guided by the principles laid down in the Joint Memorandum of September 7, 1950, of the Secretaries of State and Defens, and approved by me on September 8, 1950.˙˙˙”「親愛的杜勒斯先生:非常感謝您,為了完成我方對日本能早日簽署和約,所做的卓越表現。˙˙˙在進行論時,您務必要依照,我於一九五零年九月八日,所批准在國務院及國防部,於一九五零年九月七日之聯合備忘錄中,所規定之原則。˙˙˙」附註:該原則內,完全沒有提及「開羅新聞公報」必須實行。


1、  Unsigned Memorandum Prepared in the Department of State  

SECRET WASHINGTON, September 11, 1950

(iii)Territory. Japan would

(c)accept the future decision of the U.K., U.S.S.R., China, and U.S. with reference to the status of Formosa, Pescadores, South Sakhalin, and the Kuriles. In the event of no decision within a year after the treaty came into effect, the U.K. General Assembly would decide.





Draft of a Peace Treaty with Japan (SECRET WASHINGTON, SEP. 11, 1950)


  1. 4.     Japan accepts whatever decision may hereafter be agreed upon by the United Kingdom th4 Soviet Union, China, and The United States with reference to the future status of Formosa, the Pescadores, Sakhalin South of 50 north latitude, and the Kurile Islands. In the event of failure in any case to agree within one year from the effective date of this treaty, the parties to this Treaty will seek and accept the recommendation of the Untied Nations General Assembly.「日本接受此後任何由英國、蘇聯、中國和美國對台灣,北緯五十度以南之南樺太和千島列島未來地位歸屬的決定。如果在和約生效後一年內沒有能達成任何共識,本條約關係人將會尋求並接受聯合國總會之推薦。」
  2. 2.     Memorandum of conversation, by the Special Assistant to the Consultant(Allison)SECRET   WASHINGTON Jan. 21 1951

“Mr. Dulles explained the change in the territorial clauses in the present memorandum from that in the previous one handed to the British earlier, and pointed out that at the present we were only providing that Japan should relinquish its claim to Formosa and that we were not attempting to indicate what the final settlement of the Formosa problem would be.”一九五一年一月二十一日,華盛頓機密檔案有關Allison會談備忘錄:「Mr. Dulles解釋之前(一九五零年九月十一日版本至目前一九五零年一月十二日版本)提供給英國方面之備忘錄,在領土條款所做變更,並且指出,目前我方(美國)只規定日本應該放棄宣示有台灣領土,而我方(美國)也不企圖指示台灣問題最後會如何解決。」

“Memorandum:4. As regards territory, the treaty would require Japan to renounce all interest in Korea, Formosa and the Pescadores, ˙˙˙”「備忘錄第四點:在領土方面,條約將會要求日本放棄朝鮮和台灣以及澎湖˙˙˙」


  1. 3.     Memorandum prepared by the Dulles Mission (TOKYO, Feb. 3 1951)

Provisional Memorandum TERRITORY:Japan would renounce all rights and titles to Korea, Formosa and the Pescadores. Dulles自一九五一年一月二十九日起,在東京與日本政府代表,包括吉田茂展開和約談判,經過近一步考量以及利害關係雙方協商後,在二月三日臨時備忘錄中,美國思考和約有關領土處分方向暫時決定:「日本會放棄對朝鮮以及台灣之ㄧ切權利。」注意:當時使用all rights and titles都是複數,但是,正式和約內容,使用單數,兩者明顯意義。不相同。


  1. 4.     4. Memorandum of conversation, by the Deputy to the Consultant(Allison)at the Malacanan Palace Manila, Feb 12, 1951一九五一年二月十二日,馬尼拉馬拉卡南宮之會談備忘錄,提及:

“The conversation then turn to territorial and security problems and President Quirino emphasize the deep interest of his country in the future of Formosa and expressed disagreement with what he understood would be the United States’ position that the future of Formosa should be determined in the first instance by only Big Four.”「話題轉到領土及安全時,菲律賓President Quirino強調他的國家深切關切台灣之未來,表示不同意他所聽說的情報,也就是美國立場是:台灣的未來,是由最初的四個大國所決定。」

President Quirino intended that in his opinion some form of United Nations trusteeship might be the most satisfactory solution. 菲律賓President Quirino意指菲律賓應該參與任何台灣未來之決定,並認為某種形式之聯合國託管,可能會是滿意的解決 。

Mr. Dulles stated that the original position of the United States had been tentative only; that the United States would certainly wish to consider carefully the views of the Philippine Government on this matter and that he too had long been of the personal opinion that a United Nations trusteeship might be the best solution. However, the Chinese Nationalist Government was completely opposed to any such solution.「杜勒斯聲明:美國最初的立場是暫時性的。美國當然會想要仔細考量菲律賓政府對此事之見解,而且,杜勒斯長久以來,也認為聯合國託管應該是最佳之解決辦法,然而,中國國民政府是徹底反對任何如是之解決˙˙˙」


5、Memorandum by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs CANBERRA, February 17, 1951:一九五一年二月十七日,美國東亞事務辨公室Mr. Robert A. Fearey在澳洲坎培拉之備忘錄中,提及:

“The Australian Government has no desire to recognize the Chinese Communist regime but is very unhappy over continued recognition of the National Government, and would be reluctant to strengthen that Government by giving it Formosa.「澳洲政府不想要承認中國共產政權,但是也對繼續承認國民政府是非常不悅,同時不願意因為交付台灣而強化該政府。」

Ambassador Dulles said that Formosa presented a difficult problem. It was not our intention Mr. Spender suggested that the best solution might be to require Japan to renounce title without indicating to whom title had been transferred.”「杜勒斯大使說:台灣問題呈現非常困難麻煩。美國不打算確認國民政府對台灣佔享權。Mr. Spender建議要求日本放棄權利,而不指名該權力移轉給誰,或許會是最佳解決。」



作者:林 志昇 (武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)





6、Memorandum by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs SECRET, WASHINGTON, March 19, 1951:一九五一年二月十七日,美國東亞事務辨公室Mr. Robert A. Fearey在華盛頓之備忘錄中,提及:

“Senator Smith noted that Article 3 left the disposition of Formosa undetermined. Ambassador Dulles said that provision for the disposition of Formosa by decision of the General Assembly if the Far Eastern Big Four failed to reach agreement had been made in the United States seven-point statement of principles but that idea had since been abandoned. He recalled that the United States had secured the postponement of the question of Formosa during the General Assembly because there appeared to be a real possibility that the Assembly would recommend turning the island over to the Chinese Communists. This still seemed a likely possibility if the Assembly were given jurisdiction over the problem and it had accordingly been thought advisable to leave the status of Formosa undecided.”



7、United Nations Jurisdiction (聯合國的裁決權)

“Senator Hickenlooper inquired whether the United Nations would have any Jurisdiction over the treaty, and whether there was any way in which the United Nations or a member there of could take us to task for anything we might include in the treaty. Ambassador Dulles referred to Article 107 of the Charter, and said that were the Assembly to consider that any provision of the treaty might tend to impair peace and security it would be empowered to discuss it, but that otherwise the United Nations would have no Jurisdiction over the treaty. The United Nations would come in only if the treaty brought it in, as in the case of the former Italian colonies under the Italian Treaty.”







8、Memorandum of the Under Secretary’s Meeting Prepared in the Department of States   SECRET WASHINGTON, March 21, 1951 一九五一年三月二十一日,國務卿會議備忘錄,提及:

「Mr. Dulles reported that he is ready to distribute our draft of the text of a Japanese Peace Treaty to other interested governments. Mr. Dulles reported on various aspects of the text. Japan will renounce title to Formosa and no mention will be made of Formosa’s future.˙˙˙The treaty gives recognition to the sovereignty of Japan and provide an enabling clause for our station troops in Japan.」「Mr. Dulles報告,他已經準備好將我方對日和約條文草案,分發給其他有利害關係之政府。Mr. Dulles就條文多方面提出報告。日本將放棄台灣佔享權,而不提及台灣之未來。˙˙˙條約承認日本之主權和為我方駐軍日本提供授權條款。」


9、Provisional United States Draft of a Japanese Peace Treaty (Suggestive only)

SECRET  WASHINGTON, March 23, 1951「一九五一年三月二十三日,美國華盛頓秘密檔案:美國版對日和約臨時草案「只是提案」。


2、  The Allied Powers recognize the full sovereignty of the Japanese people over Japan and its territorial.「第二條:同盟國承認日本人民對日本及其領海之完全主權。」

附註:對照March 21, 1951 一九五一年三月二十一日,國務卿會議備忘錄,提及:「The treaty gives recognition to the sovereignty of Japan」(同盟國承認日本恢復為主權國家。)兩者意見開始雷同。


3、  Japan renounces all rights, titles and claims to Korea, Formosa and the Pescadores;˙˙「日本放棄對朝鮮和【台灣】所有之權力(複數)、權利(複數)和主張(複數)˙˙˙」。(英國保留【】內容之立場)

附註:以上草約內容為美英兩國於一九五一年四月五日,在華盛頓討論之結果。及至一九五一年四月十八日,英國是主張共產中國應該參與和約談判,並且建議台灣割讓給中國(suggest that Formosa be ceded to China),因此,英國方面,對於是否支持美國只有要求日本對台灣行放棄處理有所保留。

10、Japanese Peaces Treaty:Working Draft and Commentary Prepared in the Department of State  SECRET  WASHINGTON  Jun, 1, 1951  一九五一年六月ㄧ日,美國國務院建議和約草案修訂部份包括:

CHAPTER II:TERRITORY, Article 2 U.S. Position 

The U.S. proposes the following redraft:

(a)  Japan, recognizing the independence of Korea, renounce all right, title and claim to Korea,˙˙˙

(b)  Japan renounce all right, title and claim to Formosa and Pescadores.

This revision contains only one substantive change-recognition by Japan of the independence of Korea recommended by China, Ceylon and other countries.

(a)  日本承認朝鮮獨立,放棄對朝鮮所有之權力(單數,表示為管轄權),權利(單數,表示為佔享權)及主張(單數,表示為宣示權)。

(b)  日本放棄對台灣所有之權力(單數,包括管轄及處分權)權利(單數,表示為佔享權)及主張(單數,表示為宣示權)。



值得注意的是:美國一九五一年六月ㄧ日所提出和約修正案,已經將一九五一年五月三日版的一九五一年五月二十五日版,第二條之rights, titles and claims(複數形式)修改成right, title and claim(單數形式),這意味著:原先要求日本放棄其對台灣的全部「權力、權利和主張」,所形成的巨大利益(interests),變成不讓日本恢復行使對台灣包括「管轄、處分、佔享及宣示、宣有」之主權權利。



Article 5:Japan will return to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics the southern part of Sakhalin as well all the islands adjacent to it and will hand over the soviet Union the Kurile Islands. 第五條:「日本將歸還蘇聯南樺太和其鄰近所有小島,並將移交千島列島給蘇聯。」


「In this connection, the Chinese Government is of the opinion that the principle of non-discrimination should be followed. The Chinese Government will raise no objection to the present form of Article 5. (present Article 4)of the draft treaty in the event that an express provision of the return of Formosa and the Pescadores to the Republic of China is also included in the treaty. Failing such inclusion, the provisions contained in that article should be substituted with a simple renunciation on the part of Japan of South Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands.」「就此而論,中國政府認為應該遵循無差別待遇原則。中國政府(PRC)並不反對,在條文中寫入台灣歸還中華民國(ROC)(如再三月二十三日版的草約第五條,或五月三日版第四條),如果不包括這些句子,則該條文應該修訂為【日本只是放棄南樺太和千島列島】,至於一九五一年五月三日版草案第四條為【日本割讓千島列島,和過去日本曾行使主權之南樺太部分,和其鄰近小島給蘇聯。】其意思和一九五一年五月三日版草案第五條大致相同。」




12、Revised United States-United Kingdom Draft of a Japanese Peace Treaty 

SECRET  LONDON, June 14, 1951.   Chapter II: TERRITORY Article 2

(a)  Japan, recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea.˙˙˙

(b)  Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.

(c)   Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Kurile Island, and to that portion of Sakhalin.




Memorandum by the Central Intelligence Agency (WAAHINGTON, April 20, 1951)美國中央情報局一九五一年四月二十日備忘錄,提出:

“A Japanese government decision to move toward reconstituting Japanese armed strength would require a peace treaty, signed at the earliest possible moment by as many as possible of Japan’s former enemies, which would restore Japanese sovereignty.”「日本政府要邁向重整軍備之決定,需要盡早而且儘可能和過去敵人簽訂和約,已能恢復日本主權。」


Draft Joint Statement of the United Kingdom and United States governments (WASHINGTON, June 19, 1951)By the contemplated multilateral treaty, Japan would renounce its sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores. The treaty itself would not determine the future of these islands.”「一九五一年六月十九日,美國和英國政府聯合草案聲明,提出:在預期的多邊條約中,日本會放棄台灣主權,而條約本身並不會決定該島的未來。」



作者:林 志昇 (武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)







舊金山和約第2b條有人不懂,造成誤解,影響台灣地位,今天,進一步分析如下:Japan renounces all right, title, and claim to Formosa and Pescadores.先將原文英譯:Japan renounce all right to Taiwan, all title to Taiwan, and all claim to Taiwan.而Taiwan 是屬於territory, 因此right to territory, title to territory, and claim to territory究竟是何意思?日本所「放棄」的內容是什麼?放棄之後,台灣地位變得如何?本文將詳細分析,先參考一段文章:”Origin of the Title to territory of the Colonies” such is the origin of the British title to the territory composing these United States. That title was founded on the right of discovery, a right which was held among the European nations a just and sufficient foundation, on which to rest their respective claims to the American continent. Whatever controversies existed among them (and they were numerous)respecting the extent of their own acquisition abroad. They appealed to this as the ultimate fact, by which their various and conflicting claims were to be adjusted. It may not be easy upon general reasoning to establish the doctrine, that priority of discovery confers any exclusive right to territory. 由這段文章可以得知,對於殖民地(colony)領土的right to territory, title to territory, claim to territory 是根據殖民地的發現權the right of discovery。相對地,對於主權國家領土之right to territory, title to territory, claim to territory則是根據國家主權(sovereignty)所衍生出來之「主權權利(right of sovereignty)」。對於殖民地的母國,對殖民地領土擁有領土主權(territorial sovereignty)者,對其領土擁有right of sovereignty,但是,如果其殖民地不被國際「承認」為其領地的話,殖民母國就不會擁有主權right of sovereignty,這時候,只能有claim of sovereignty over territory.

首先美國最高法院在一九六零年ROGERS vs. SHENG 案中,對該條約詮釋為:Japan surrendered all claims of sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores. 如果美國法院認定日本已經放棄對台澎的主權,依該會改寫為:Japan surrendered all sovereignty over Fomosa and the Pescadores.才對,所以美國法院應該很清楚:all claims of sovereignty不等於all sovereignty,也就是說right+title+claim不等於sovereignty,簡單的說,right,title,claim是組成sovereignty的一部分而非全部。對主權獨立的日本而言,日本政府對台灣人民有權力可以主張,相對的,日本政府對台灣人民也有義務(obligation),要保障台灣人民生命財產的安全與權利,在和平條約之中,並沒有任何要求日本政府必須renounce(放棄) all obligation(義務) to Formosa and the Pescadores.所以,事實上,如果依照舊金山和約表面字義說,台灣、澎湖並沒有從日本割讓出去,只是日本政府依該條約,不可以出面「治理或管轄」台灣、澎湖,然而日本仍應對台灣澎湖地區人民有保護之義務,因此正確的法理解釋是:台灣人的母國還是日本,只是不能治理或管轄,流亡中華民國是代理母國的角色,美國則是監護人或管理人,法理上,台灣是美國暫時海外領土,是日本海外的自治區,台灣人民將來可以自己決定前途,台灣與中國之間毫無法理牽扯。


  1. Japan recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet.

由條約來看,如果日本只是renounces all right, title and claim to Korea.並不足以讓Korea成為主權獨立的國家,所會才會使用recognizing the independence of的字眼,因此,此時此刻,日本對朝鮮(韓國)沒有權力也沒有義務是明確的,換言之,日本正式放棄對朝鮮的主權(sovereignty)。舊金山和約並沒有像第二a條之明確規定,像朝鮮獨立出日本,第二b條沒有把Formosa 及Pescadores明文從日本「割讓」出去,固然是種懸空割讓(limbo cession),日本依照法理對台灣紅還有義務(obligation),只是不能有權力(right)。舊金山和約起草人必然有考慮「開羅宣言」與「波次坦宣言」的「主張」,但是中華民國當時已呈流亡狀態,而中華人民共和國則未參與對日戰爭,在當時現狀考量之下,只好讓台澎像「古巴」在美西戰後一樣,讓主要佔領權國的美國管轄,而台灣有機會成為「自治區」(類似包爾前國務卿所講but does not enjoy sovereignty),一方面接受日本母國的暗中保護(enjoy safety),另方面在美國「台灣關係法」的防護傘下發展,這是一種很特別的架構,至少在國際間是絕無僅有。

相較於一八九五年的馬關條約(日稱:下關條約)與一九五二年的舊金山和平條約而言,後者對台灣、澎湖的處理就顯得馬虎而且草率,有關台灣主權和台灣人權只用六個字而已,renounces all right, title and claim,台灣問題就能夠解決嗎?因為交代不清楚,所以台灣國際地位未明,受儘國際打壓與中國武嚇,當然台灣人有必要重新解讀,進一步探討。

日清「馬關條約」第二條內容:Article 2

    China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the following territories, together with all fortifications, arsenals, and public property thereon:—

一八九五年日清馬關條約(下關條約),大清帝國將Formosa和Pescadores之領土所有權,永久且完整地割讓給大日本帝國。相對於perpetuity(永久性)就會有temporality(暫時性),而且對於full sovereignty(完整主權)就會有partial sovereignty(部分主權)。那舊金山和約裡日本所renounce(放棄)的項目到底是永久性(perpetuity)或暫時性(temporality)?而且日本所renounce(放棄)是台灣、澎湖的full sovereignty(完整主權)或是partial sovereignty(部分主權)?參考一九七三年版的Webster’s Dictionary相關字的定義如下:

(一)、renounce:to announce one’s abandonment of the ownership of something  possessed such as a title, a claim.另外同義字有give up, abandon, resign(usually formally)

(二)、cede:to give over (give over有轉讓予他人之意,但是give up 則無轉讓予他人之意)。

(三)、abandon:to cease to assent or exercise an interest, right, or title to, especially with the intent of never again resuming or reasserting it.徹底放棄之意

(四)、title:an alleged or recognized right, a ground of right(權力基礎),此處的title應解讀為權力基礎,漢譯為:名器、名位、所有權、權利名稱。

(五)、right:a claim or title to property or a possession of property.權利。

(六)、claim:an assertion to a right(對權利的主張、請求權、主張)

(七)、challenge:a. to call into question, especially for verification, explanation or justification. ;b. to assert a right, title, or claim to

(八)、nationality:The status of being a national, a legal relationship between an individual and a national involving allegiance on the part of the individual and usually protection on the part of the state. 

(九)、sovereignty:freedom from external control, autonomy, independence. Sovereignty is not an indivisible whole, since it can be partially ceded to a joint authority—European Federation now.

依照Webster’s Dictionary之解釋,renounce和abandon兩者都有”放棄”的意思,其中abandon是”放棄”以後不再取回之意,而renounce則會有”放棄”後再取回之意,依照慣例習慣,放棄的財物或財產,如未經合法程序轉讓予他人,也有選擇是當時機、或適當安排取回原先已”放棄”之物,renounce本身並無永遠放棄之意(give up in perpetuity)。根據筆者發表之「美國國務院及國防部之機密檔案」,一九五零年六月二十五日韓戰爆發之前,麥克阿瑟將軍認為,被委託來台接受日軍投降的蔣介石之中國國民黨政權,貪污腐敗無能力治理台灣,當年有意將台灣再歸還給日本,傳言並非空穴來風,將經國日記第四十四頁亦有相同記載,但因故而未執行,估計被”中國遊說團(China Lobby)”所敗。日本雖然有台灣潛在主權(potential sovereignty),但是美國當年考慮自身利益之時,美國仍然接受(accept)流亡中華民國能在台灣運作(exercise)的理由,主要美國是為戰爭「征服者」,日本政府沒有理由不能resume all right, title, and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.為了表現征服者的絕對分配與支配的權威,美國當然有權從日本剝奪權力,也當然有權賦予權力。一九七九年在台灣關係法(Taiwan Relation Act )提及governing authorities on Taiwan 的successor(繼承者)包括political subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities(代理政權)。過去,美國眼中的governing authorities on Taiwan所指的是蔣介石的中華民國政權,目前的successor則為民進黨政權,是屬於political subdivision,將來如果由台灣平民政府(Taiwan government)或是日本政府當successor,the governing authorities應該可以被重新正名為the authorities of Taiwan.(待續)

再研究舊金山和平條約第二b條,日本地方法院在一九五二年依據本條約取消台灣人的日本國籍,該條約內容是b、Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.在Webster’s Dictionary經常是right, title, claim三者連袂出現,right:是權力的主體,title:是權力的基礎,claim:是權力的主張。但是如果right+ title+ claim等於full right是完整的權利主體,所以renounces all right, title and claim to˙˙˙可以該寫為renounces full right to˙˙˙


   2、China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the following territories, together with all fortifications, arsenals, and public property thereon:—

2b、Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.

日清「馬關條約」China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty而cedes後面有接受國,而在「舊金山和約」Japan renounces full right to Formosa and the Pescadores.而renounces後面無接受國,所以cedes不等於renounces,換言之,「割讓」不等於「放棄」,所以理論上來說,台灣根本還沒有從日本正式「割讓(cedes)」出去,只是「放棄(renounces)」而已。

Sovereignty組成並非單一元素,因此,並不是不可分割,因其可被部分轉讓予joint authority。主權分成硬體或稱有形體,如土地、人民等;軟體或稱無形體,如right, title, claim, responsibility, duty, obligation, power, allegiance.正式來說sovereignty carries with it responsibility(除了權利外還有責任),因此full right 不等於full sovereignty 但是等於partial sovereignty日本「放棄」的應該只是部分主權而非主權的全部,而日本所放棄的是台灣的治理權或使用權。

日本依條約放棄台、澎之治理權、使用權,台、澎主權當然落入「主要佔領權國(the principal power)」美國手中,美國自己不使用,轉交給流亡中華民國使用至今,所以美國稱:We accept the exercise of the Chinese authority over Formosa. 現在終於了解原來的exercise的意思是指對台灣的治理權、使用權,如果台灣領土的主權不在美國手上,那麼合理推斷還是在日本手中,美國征服者則握有操縱並控制對台灣治理權、使用權大權,而流亡中華民國目前是實質在治理、使用台灣,其實背後有美國龐大的身影存在。對台灣人而言,日本才是母國,流亡中華民國只是代理母國,而美國則是監護人身份。

本土台灣人要尋回真正的國籍,先找美國監護人是正確的,只有監護人才能替台灣人找回母國,日本依舊金山和約不能對台灣有「claim主張」,然而,台灣人有權去挑戰日本政府有關台灣人的隱形國籍。People of Formosa and the Pescadores can challenge the government of Japan for Japanese Nationality.這裡challenge等於to assert a right, title, and claim to 馬關條約(日稱:下關條約)第五條:

Article 5

    The inhabitants of the territories ceded to Japan who wish to take up their residence outside the ceded districts shall be at liberty to sell their real property and retire. For this purpose a period of two years from the date of the exchange of ratifications of the present Act shall be granted. At the expiration of that period those of the inhabitants who shall not have left such territories shall, at the option of Japan, be deemed to be Japanese subjects.
    Each of the two Governments shall, immediately upon the exchange of the ratifications of the present Act, send one or more Commissioners to Formosa to effect a final transfer of that province, and within the space of two months after the exchange of the ratifications of this Act such transfer shall be completed.

有關台灣人民國籍處置或財產,給予兩年思考期,自願留在台灣者,日本政府給予日本國民身分,事實上,台灣人初期不會說日語,並沒有被日本视為日本人,直到第十七代總督小林擠造(一九三六年九月二日至一九四零年十一月二十七日)開始徹底實施皇民化政策,將台灣人與日本內地一視同仁,台灣人真正開始被視為日本人有日本國籍,擁有right, title, claim ,因此,針對日本政府沒有完全依照舊金山和約,對台灣人權忽視並且沒有維護之責任,台灣人有必要向日本政府要回公道。

一九五二年八月五日,日本政府與流亡中華民國模仿馬關條約,處理台灣領土和台灣人民歸屬,簽屬Treaty of Taipei,(該約後來於一九七二年中日建交後被取消)但是不要忘記一九五二年四月二十八日「舊金山合約」對此有設限,限制日本政府可以單獨與他國簽約,但是不能超過「舊金山合約」之授權範圍,該和約第二十六條如下:

Article 26

Japan will be prepared to conclude with any State which signed or adhered to the United Nations Declaration of 1 January 1942, and which is at war with Japan, or with any State which previously formed a part of the territory of a State named in Article 23, which is not a signatory of the present Treaty, a bilateral Treaty of Peace on the same or substantially the same terms as are provided for in the present Treaty, but this obligation on the part of Japan will expire three years after the first coming into force of the present Treaty. Should Japan make a peace settlement or war claims settlement with any State granting that State greater advantages than those provided by the present Treaty, those same advantages shall be extended to the parties to the present Treaty.

Treaty of Taipei目的是想廢除馬關條約,事實上,台灣在馬關條約之前,台灣可被治理的土地只有三分之一,而欲使台灣恢復馬關條約之前狀態,簡直是不可能,馬關條約之後,台灣才由日本人開發,所以縱然流亡中華民國想以廢除馬關條約作為劫取台灣的目的,恐怕徒勞而無功,更何況「舊金山和約」第二十六條言名在先,日本不得與其他國簽署超過條約規範的範圍,所以廢除馬關條約之議是荒謬無比之事。

台北和約第四條Article 4(有關台灣領土之處置)英語原文 :  

 It is recognized that all treaties, conventions, and agreements concluded before 9 December 1941 between Japan and China have become null and void as a consequence of the war.

台北和約第十條Article 10(有關台灣人民之處置)英語原文:

    For the purposes of the present Treaty, nationals of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all the inhabitants and former inhabitants of Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) and their descendents who are of the Chinese nationality in accordance with the laws and regulations which have been or may hereafter be enforced by the Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores); and juridical persons of the Republic of China shall be deemed to include all those registered under the laws and regulations which have been or may hereafter be enforced by the Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores).


No provision has been made either in the San Francisco Treaty or the Sino-Japanese Treaty as to the future of Taiwan and Penghu. Yet further explained :”In fact, we control(註一) them now, and undoubtedly they constitute a part of our territories. The delicate international situation, however, they do not belong to us(註二). In these circumstances, Japan has no right to transfer(註三) Formosa(Taiwan)and the Pescadores (Penghu)to us. Not could we accept such a transfer from Japan (註四)even if she wished to do so.”

依戰爭法的規範,佔領不能移轉主權,除非有「條約」的制定,國際間至今沒有台灣、澎湖被移轉主權的條約被制定,台灣在「舊金山和約」中只有「暫時」被「主要佔領權」美國「征服者」所管理,而美國接受台灣當局管理台灣澎湖(US accept the Taiwanese authority to control Formosa and the Pescadores.),美國依照憲法應給沒有國籍的台灣人美國國民護照,這是規定,美國不能模糊,中華民國護照是假的文書,美國不能繼續接受,美國如果還接受中華民國護照是「殘忍對待」台灣人,美國政府相關人員要接受法律制裁。(待續)

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)





1950年7月26日,英國代理外相(Acting Foreign Secretary) Kenneth Younger在有關「台灣未來前途(Future of Formosa)」問題,其回函中提及:

"His Majesty's Government have recognized de jure the Chinese Central People's Government as the legitimate Government of China, and as such entitled to enjoy the rights of the Chinese State. Formosa is still de jure Japanese territory, and there is no Government of Formosa as such. Following on the surrender of Japan, the Chinese Government of the day assumed, with consent of the remaining allies, the provisional administration of the territory pending the final determination of its status at a peace settlement. Not all the remaining allies have recognized the Central People's Government as the Government of China, and for this reason, and because of the provisional nature of the present administration of Formosa, it is the hope of his Majesty's Government that the disposal of Formosa will be decided, as has always been contemplated, in connexion with the peace settlement of Japan." 


由以上Kenneth Younger之說詞,可以得知,至少在當時:


  1. 1.   英國承認中華人民共和國政府是合法之中國政府。然而此立場,並不表示英國承認中華人民共和國已擁有台灣主權。


  1. 2.   台灣在法理上仍為日本領土。繼英國代理外相Kenneth Younger於1950年7月26日稱:台灣在法理上仍為日本領土。美國麥克阿瑟將軍亦於1951年5月5日在國會聽證會稱:「法理上,台灣仍為日本帝國之一部份。」(General Douglas MacArthur stated at a congressional hearing on May 5, 1951, "legalistically, Formosa is still a part of the Empire of Japan.") 由此,足以證明,台灣在1952年4月28日舊金山和平條約生效之前,法理上仍歸屬日本。亦即表示台灣「目前地位無改變(present status unchanged)」,日本仍擁有「台灣之所有權(ownership of Taiwan)」。


3. 還沒有名副其實之「台灣政府(Formosa Government)」。1951年8月6日日本首相吉田茂致美國國務卿顧問Dulles之電文提及:"I well understand your appreciations concerning the China problem. For the moment, we are planning to send an economic adviser to the Formosa government ....."吉田茂在電文中稱:「充分理解美國對有關中國問題之重視, 此時,日本正計劃派一位經濟顧問予台灣政府 .....」 



Following is text of memorandum on Japan-Formosa relations referred to in immediate preceding telegram:"If, in view of the importance to Japan of regularzing her relations with the authorities in Formosa, the Japanese Government wishes, before the peace treaty comes into force, to engage in preliminary discussions with the Chinese Nationalist Government for this purpose, ....." 以下是之前電文,有關日本與台灣關係備忘錄原文:「鑒於日本調整,其與在台灣政權的關係之重要性,如果日本政府希望在和平條約生效之前,為此目的,而與中國國民政府進行預備討論。.....」


對照上述兩封電文之內容,針對流亡台灣之蔣政權,日本方面在多邊和約簽訂前,即以"Formosa government"稱之。而相對地,美國方面則是在和約簽訂後,仍以"authority in Formosa"及 "Chinese Nationalist Government"稱之。英、美兩國在1951年6月5日已達成共識,否定開羅宣言對台灣歸屬之拘束力,而決定不將台灣移交予中國(PRC/ROC),也從未曾將佔領日本台灣之中國國民政府以"Formosa Government"稱之。而在日本方面,反而是除了似乎「有意忽視」,或「無意跟進」,英、美兩國對開羅宣言之新見解(new viewpoint),繼續執著於開羅宣言對台灣處分之意圖外,竟將佔領日本台灣之中國國民政府稱之為"Formosa government"。在法理上,"Formosa Government"應是由本土台灣人"people of Formosa"所組成之台灣政府。當時之日本政府,如非因不識戰爭法對佔領之規定,而有所誤認,則應該是為報蔣介石「以德報怨」之恩,而行暗盤交易,讓蔣政權有棲身之地,這是違反萬國公法,企圖私下「非正式移轉」其對台灣之主權義務,以撇清和台灣關係之責任。由此看來,日本似乎是企圖「出賣台灣」之共犯。1943年11月23日,美國羅斯福總統,與中國蔣介石元帥在晚宴席間,起始了由美國提議(offer),中國期待(expect),英國跟進(follow)的遊戲,而由日本壓軸地默從(acquiesce),以共同演出真實版的「Formosa Betrayed(台灣被出賣)」戲碼。於1951年9月3至8日之舊金山和平會議期間,在吉田茂首相所參與會談之備忘錄提及:

"Trade with China. Yoshida pointed out that during the period that Formosa was a part of the Japanese Empire, there was quite a brisk trade with Formosa back and forth. .....With regard to the China mainland, ....."

「與中國之貿易。吉田茂指出:台灣在過去是日本帝國一部份之期間,日本和台灣間有蓬勃之貿易往來, .....至於和中國.....」在和平條約簽訂之前夕,吉田茂已經視台灣是自日本分離,而與中國同為中國經濟體之一部份。


而在舊金山和平條約簽訂後之次日,即1951年9月9日,Dulles在其與英國外相Herbert Morrison會談之備忘錄提及:"There was, however, the reality which had not been disguised, namely, that the present Government of Japan was strongly anti-Communist .....As against this, the Japanese Government had good relations with the Nationalists."  「其有未隱瞞之事實,也就是說,目前之日本政府是強烈反共,而相反地,日本政府與國民黨有良好關係」


美國原本就是中國國民黨政權(蔣介石政權)之二戰盟友,為鼓勵蔣介石抗日,而有「台灣將來歸還中華民國」之開羅協議。但是,由於中國政局之劇變,及共產中國之強力介入韓戰,美國否定(deny)開羅宣言中台灣移交予中國之戰時協議。諷刺的是,日本與蔣政權從原本是二戰仇敵,在韓戰爆發後,卻變成美國共同之反共盟友。而在流亡於日本台灣之蔣政權,確實也是無處可去之情勢下,日本或許是因此在和約談判期間,從未向美國爭取讓台灣比照琉球託管之處分方式,以使日後能重返日本,無視日本對台灣也仍保有「殘留主權」之法理事實。日本依舊金山和平條約Article 2b之規定,是不得「恢復行使」其對台灣之主權權利。然而,日本在和約生效而恢復為主權國家後,卻從未履行萬國公法架構內之主權義務,依聯合國憲章Article 2-4之規定,以訴求(appeal)領土完整(territorial integrity),反而是默許中國殖民政權,繼續在日本台灣領土違反戰爭法以永久佔領。因此,讓人遺憾的是,開羅宣言之效力是在日本有意或無意之政治妥協下,而得以延續至今。美日兩國皆與中國殖民政府有「良好關係」,而同步為「反共或不反共」之盟友,是連手封殺台灣地位正常化之共犯結構。


4. 流亡在台灣之中國殖民政權,只是在多邊對日和約(舊金山和約)生效前,盟國所接受,本質為臨時之「當時政府(present administration)」:


在1952年4月28日舊金山和平條約生效前,台灣之「當時地位present status」是歸屬日本,而「當時政府present administration」則是由中國殖民性質之蔣介石政權所扮演之「流亡政府」所治理。這是一個足以證明領土之所有權(ownership)及治理權(administration),是可分割處理之實例。而在和約生效之後,日本只是不能恢復行使治理權,至於日本對台灣之所有權,則是自日清下關條約生效以來,未曾改變。


 5. 英國政府希望在多邊對日和約(舊金山和約)後,即可決定台灣處分:




作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)






What is “Ryukyu Mode”?


Chinese Summary Record        Translation


(5) On Restoration of Territories

The President then referred to the question of the Ryukyu Islands and enquired more than once whether China would want the Ryukyus. The Generalissimo replied that China would be agreeable to joint occupation of the Ryukyus by China and the United States and, eventually, joint administration by the two countries under the trusteeship of an international organization.



(5) 在歸還領土方面

羅斯福總統提到琉球群島的問題,不只一次詢問中國,是否要琉球?元帥答覆稱: 中國會欣然同意,由中國和美國聯合佔領琉球,但是,最終應在國際組織託管下,由美中兩國共管。


以上是一九四三年「開羅會議期間」,美中領導人之會議記錄。實際上,在舊金山和平條約Article 3,所規定之聯合國託管體系下,美國是琉球群島之唯一治理當局(sole administering authority),而無涉中華民國。琉球佔領,由原先有「美中共管」構想,而演變成「美國單獨管」,足以証明羅斯福和蔣介石之開羅會談內容,並非絕對能成為對日和約條款。







                                                   琉球                                       台灣

 1. 領土取得時間               1879年 宣示主權                 

                                         1895年 確認主權                1895年取得主權 


2. 領土取得方式                      兼併                             割讓


3. 普及國民教育                       落實                             落實


4. 實施徵兵制                        1898年                       1945年4月1日


5. 建立地方制度                     1909年 完成                完成


6. 賦予參政權                         1912年                         1945年4月1日








B. 戰爭後期的

1. 1940年准許台灣人民取日本姓名。

2. 1941年廢除台,日人公小學校差別。

3. 1943年開始實施初等教育義務制。

4. 1944年公佈兵役法。

5. 1945年實施徵兵制度,眾議院選舉法亦於台灣施行(但因戰爭結束,未能真正實現)。






台灣在正式被併而編入為治理國之法定領土一部份,或成為獨立國家,以達到法理最終地位(de jure final status)前,比照聯合國對葡萄牙放棄後之東帝汶,及西班牙放棄後之西撒哈拉,其達到最終狀態(final status)前之歸屬判定標準,因此,台灣法理目前地位(de jure present status),仍歸屬日本。




Yui Akiko (Author of the The Ryukyu's Right to Self-Determination)

Born in Naha City in 1933. In 1951, came to Tokyo using a passport issued by the U.S. military authorities.

當年為文發表「琉球自決權」之作者Yui Akiko,是1933年出生於琉球那霸市,她在1951年間,是持「美國軍事當局」所核發之護照以赴東京。這點雷同,正是「林志昇控美政府案」主要訴求之一。




對照上述時間表可確認:Yui Akiko是在1952年4月28日,舊金山和平條約生效前,持由佔領琉球之「琉球列島美國民政府」之「美國軍事當局」所核發護照赴東京。所以,本土台灣人可以比照琉球模式,應該擁有台灣主要佔領權之「台灣美國軍事政府」之「美軍當局護照」,美軍當局應親自(as principal),或委由代理執行台灣佔領,本質為中國殖民政權之台灣治理當局,代理(as agent)核發赴美國及日本均免簽證之「無國籍旅行證件(Stateless Travel Documents)」,絕不應該是核發「中華民國護照」給本土台灣人(people of Taiwan)。 本質有如「代理佔領授權書」之「美國台灣關係法」,所定義之台灣治理當局,美國轄下入出境管理單位,必須承認該「無國籍旅行證件(Stateless Travel Documents)」護照,並予以通關。(待續)

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)










cede: (1) to surrender possession of, especially by treaty, (2) to transfer of control of or sovereignty over specific property or territory, especially by treaty, (3) to surrender or give up something such as land, rights, or power, (4) [noun] cession 






























作者:林 志昇˙何 瑞元




日本放棄台灣「國土」的說法應該是:日本所放棄之標的,只是由right of sovereignty所衍生出來的right to Taiwan, title to Taiwan, claim to Taiwan,,那意味著還有什麼留在日本手上?正如日本前首相吉田茂所說:「日本只是放棄台灣領土權」,這也表示日本並未放棄「承認」台灣領土是日本國土之一部份,換句話說,在國際法「佔領不移轉主權」的原則下,日本並沒有將台灣領土主權移轉出去,那需不需要有個舊金山和平條約之「後續條約」來明確?





(一)如果「台灣獨立」,要具備合法性,勢必需比照舊金山和平條約承認朝鮮獨立之模式,Article 2a :"Japan recognizing the independence of Korea”,在原先的Article 2b :”Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores”之條文內容中,再追加:"Japan recognizing the independence of Taiwan (Formosa and the Pescadores)" ,因此,非要有日本參與不可,道理很簡單,因為,當初簽署舊金山和約之時,日本確實擁有台灣主權,當然再簽續約之時,也會要日本參加。


(二)如果要將台灣移轉與中國,則勢必面臨應由誰執行台灣主權之移轉才是合法。在「佔領不移轉主權」之國際法原則下,同盟國對於台灣領土主權,既不能移轉予自己的國家,也不能移轉予他國。而由舊金山和平條約 Article 2b來看,日本有權利針對台灣領土,執行放棄處分,足以證明同盟國於 Article 1b中: The Allied Powers recognize the full sovereignty of the Japanese people over Japan and its territorial waters 得知條約內所承認之日本主權,是有包括台灣,以致如要將台灣移轉予中國,也非有日本之參與不可。由在舊金山和平條約架構內,所尚未解決之台灣地位問題,還有勞日本出面處理之事實,足以推論台灣之法理主權至今仍歸屬日本。


作者:林 志 昇





From San Francisco Peace Treaty to Taiwan Civil Government(1)

針對從舊金山和約到台灣民政府(From San Francisco Peace Treaty to Taiwan Civil Government),台灣民政府有下列看法:


1. TCG would mark an official end of the legal relics of the martial law era, because the ROC gov't-in-exile on Taiwan and USMG-Taiwan would be legally terminated by TCG.


2. The interim and provisional nature of civil administration by TCG would not terminate the Taiwan Question under SFPT.


3. TCG would guarantee self-determination by Taiwan nationals before any final treaty status under the Shanghai Communique and Taiwan Relations Act.



總而言之,歸根究底,台灣問題之癥結,就在日本於1945年9月2日,向盟軍正式投降之時點,台灣領土其「當前法理地位(de jure present status)」如何認定?!


A. 台灣如為日本殖民地


a. 讓台灣獨立          (Libya模式)

b. 讓台灣併入中國 (Eritrea模式)

c. 讓台灣回歸日本 (Italian Somaliland模式)




B. 台灣如為日本國土一部份

則台灣美國軍政府,依本土台灣人在台灣民政府體制內,所施行之內部自決,經由「台灣自治或回歸日本」移轉台灣治理權,具正當性。其中,日本主權下之「台灣自治」,是當年杜勒斯所提供給本土台灣人之願景,完全符合舊金山和平條約Article 2b之原意。因此,在這種情況下,設立台灣民政府,等同起始台灣地位正常化,而且,當其轉型為「台灣自治政府」後,即是在舊金山和平條約架構內,完成台灣地位正常化,以終結台灣問題。



ROC conscription would cease because it is illegal. However, territorial self-defense is still authorized under the UN Charter for non-selfgoverning territories.



A. Security Treaty Between the  United States and Japan 

     (signed on September 8, 1951)

The treaty of Peace recognizes that Japan as a sovereign nation has the right to enter into collective security arrangements, and further, the Charter of the United Nations recognizes that all nations possess an inherent right of individual and collective self-defense.



B. U.S. and Japan Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement

     (signed on March 8, 1954)

Reaffirming their belief as stated in the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed at the city of San Francisco on September 8, 1951 that Japan as a sovereign nation possesses the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense referred to in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations.





作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)




From San Francisco Peace Treaty to Taiwan Civil Government(2)


(Taiwan Problem)‏



有關台灣領土戰後屬性,是哪種性質,首先,讓本文討論:「非自治領土(non-self-governing territory)」,敘述如下:


The United Nations list of non-self-governing territories is a list of countries that, according to the United Nations, are nondecolonized.




 1. Colonial territories that have not been annexed and incorporated into the legal framework of the controlling state.



2. Colonial territories that have not become independent states.



有關聯合國所認定為非自治領土之「西沙哈拉(Western Sahara)」,聯合國之描述為:

 a. Western Sahara was a Spanish colony up to 1976. 85% of the territory of Western Sahara is now occupied and administered by Morocco. The rest of the territory is under the control of the Polisario Front and administered by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. The UN however still considers Spain as admistering country.


b. The United Nations considers the former Spanish Sahara a nondecolonized territory, with Spain as the formal "administrative power (colonizing power)".





1. 台灣是否為前日本國殖民地?


2. 台灣或是為日本國國土一部份?






The list currently contains 16 entries, all of which would become microstates.



其中,以美國為「治理管轄國(Administering country)」之非自治領土有3筆,包括:

 1. American Samoa (美屬薩摩亞):美國自1899年至1925年間,經瓜分、割讓、及併吞,而陸續取得之領土。 

 status  : unincorporated unorganized territory (未編入(未合併)之無組織領土)。 identity: U.S. national (為無總統選舉權之美國國民)。


2. Guam (關島):為美國依1898年美西巴黎和約,自西班牙割讓,而取得之領土。status  : unincorporated organized territory (未編入(未合併)之有組織領土)。identity: U.S. citizen (為無總統選舉權之美國公民)。


3. United States Virgin Islands (美屬維京群島):為美國在1917年3月31日,自丹麥「買賣移轉(transfer)」,而取得之領土。status  : unincorporated organized territory (未編入(未合併)之有組織領土)。identity: U.S. citizen (為無總統選舉權之美國公民)。



a. 美國必承認台灣為其「領土一部份」,且

b. 美國必須承認台灣為其「未編入(未合併)領土」。


然而,美國早在杜魯門時代即已表明,並宣佈對台灣領土並無野心,而其依舊金山和平條約Article 23a規定:美國單獨為日本包括台灣之主要佔領權國,並不能將台灣主權,自日本移轉予美國。美國從未承認台灣為其領土一部份,而台灣既非美國領土,美國無從承認為「未編入(未合併)領土」,因此,所謂台灣是美國「非自治領土」說法是不成立的。




美國派駐台灣的情報組織「戰略服務處(Strategic Services Unit, SSU)」,其為今日之「中央情報局(Central Intelligence Agency, CIA)」前身,在1945年9月22至25日間,所發出之機密電報提及:



早在1945年的時候,美國國務院的官員即已明確了解台灣人想要自治。更精確地說,就是「日本主權下之自治(autonomy under Japanese sovereignty)」。

台灣就法理而言,並非前日本殖民地。因此,本土台灣人(people of Taiwan)如是依殖民地性質之非自治領土其人民之「外部自決(external self-determination)」以尋求獨立(independence),並不具正當性。反之,在聯合國憲章Article 2-4「領土完整(territorial integrity)」原則架構內,如是依國土性質之被佔領領土其人民之「內部自決(internal self-determination)」以尋求自治(self-government),則是完全具正當性。

美國所反對的,是在台灣的人民(people on Taiwan)經由公投,而決定日本台灣領土之最終地位(final status)。台灣自治不但是台灣先賢之理想,也是在舊金山和平條約Article 2b架構內,杜勒斯為台灣所規劃之願景。

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)



From San Francisco Peace Treaty to Taiwan Civil Government(3)


Autonomy under Japanese sovereignty

早在1945年的時候,美國國務院的官員即已明確了解台灣人想要自治。更精確地說,就是「日本主權下之自治(autonomy under Japanese sovereignty)」。

台灣就法理而言,並非前日本殖民地。因此,本土台灣人(people of Taiwan)如是依殖民地性質之非自治領土其人民之「外部自決(external self-determination)」以尋求獨立(independence),並不具正當性。反之,在聯合國憲章Article 2-4「領土完整(territorial integrity)」原則架構內,如是依國土性質之被佔領領土其人民之「內部自決(internal self-determination)」以尋求自治(self-government),則是完全具正當性。

美國所反對的,是在台灣的人民(people on Taiwan)經由公投,而決定日本台灣領土之最終地位(final status)。台灣自治不但是台灣先賢之理想,也是在舊金山和平條約Article 2b架構內,杜勒斯為台灣所規劃之願景。


New Caledonia為殖民地性質之「法國海外領土(overseas territory of France)」。其法理地位類似關島,及美屬維京群島,為「未編入(未合併)之有組織領土(unincorporated organized territory)」,而同為聯合國所認定之「非自治領土」,並不能和台灣相提並論。


台灣不是日本殖民地,並無「去日本殖民地化(Japanese decolonization)」問題。而另一方面,台灣歸屬在舊金山和平條約架構內,和任一「中國(PRC/ROC)」皆毫無關係。美國政府故意忽視足以決定台灣「當前法理地位(de jure present status)之舊金山和平條約,而強調不足以決定台灣「未來法理地位(de jure future status)」之美中三個公報,誤導台灣地位,是違反美國「國土之最高法律(the supreme Law of the Land)」,包括美國憲法 。


日本依舊金山和平條約Article 2b,是「已經放棄」恢復行使其對台灣之一切主權權利,故日本對台灣並無任何「剩餘之主權權利(residual rights of sovereignty)。然而,在萬國公法(the Law of Nations)架構內,對台灣仍有天賦不可移轉「主權義務(obligations of sovereignty)」,以為「剩餘主權(residual sovereignty)」。日本受舊金山和平條約Article 2b之拘束,已無立場對台灣有所主張(claim)。然是儘可「默從(acquiesce)」而實現本土台灣人之「主張」以履行其在萬國公法架構內之主權義務。

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)






一、           「舊金山和約」是一個中國政策(中華民國或中華人民共和國)的創始者,美國堅守並執行,寧願「中國代表」從缺,也不願意有「兩個中國」之錯覺。

二、           「美中三個聯合公報」,美國只願使用「得知」而非「承認」中國方面的說法,稱:「台灣是中國一部分」。

三、           台灣關係法是美國國內法,其法源正是舊金山和約。美國對台灣有佔領的「權利」,當然同時也有保護台灣的「義務」。

四、           台海現狀的定義就是美國所堅持:台灣不是中國之ㄧ部份,但台灣也不是主權獨立之國家。

五、           「日中共同聲明」,日本只能用「理解」和「尊重」而非「承認」中國一在重申:「台灣是中華人民共和國之一部分」。至於聲明內所提「it及its」指的是誰?將遵循波次坦宣言第八條的立場?由於舊金山合約第二條並沒有提及台灣領土之「移轉」,因此,任何渋及台灣領土之主張(claim)和立場(stand)皆無效。


    中華人民共和國不是「舊金山和約」簽署國,不受和約拘束,隨意發表主張台灣領土移轉「立場」,是國際趣談;日本則受制於該約拘束,加上已經放棄台灣領土之處分權(right to dispose),不得有任何「立場」渋及台灣領土之「移轉」。美國也是該約簽署國,美日都是維護自己國家,也是保護共同利益,過去,針對台灣地位聲明,從沒有超越「舊金山和約」之範圍,其架構:

一、           台灣領土不是中國之ㄧ部份。因台灣未曾自日本移轉給中國(兩個中國)。

二、           台灣並不是一個主權獨立國家。因日本宗主國未曾承認台灣已經獨立,主權未移轉給台灣人。



作者:林 志 昇「控美政府案」代表人 2008/12/04

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