流亡中華民國政府對台灣民政府的政治鎮壓現場考察 (中/英)


A visit to the scene of political repression by Republic of China against Taiwan Civil Government


作者: Michael Richardson

翻譯: Alven Chen 陳粹玟


Blogger Michael Richardson visits demolition site of Taiwan Civil Government headquarters in Taoyuan. Republic of China in-exile officials ordered the building’s destruction in July 2019 for purported code violations. (credit: Taiwan Civil Government)

部落客邁克爾·理查森(Michael Richardson)參觀位於桃園的台灣民政府總部的拆除現場。流亡中華民國政府官員於2019年7月以據稱違反法規下令摧毀該建築物。(提供者:台灣民政府)

Four months after a Republic of China in-exile wrecking crew demolished the headquarters of Taiwan Civil Government, an advocacy group, the wrecking equipment remains parked on site. TCG banners and memorabilia lie broken and tattered in the mud and gravel of the once busy headquarters. My visit to the scene of political repression by the ROC reminiscent of the White Terror period and long martial law era was a catch-your-breath moment as I surveyed the destruction.


On July 2, the ROC demolished a new headquarters annex being constructed behind TCG headquarters. Three weeks later, a ROC wrecking crew returned to tear down the main building to which TCG held a lease valid until 2025.


I already knew the ROC was desperate to shut down TCG and their effort to expel the ROC from Taiwan. I had already seen pictures of the demolitions in progress so there was no surprise what happened. Still, I was unprepared for the somber sight of complete devastation and wandered the scarred and barren ground in silence.


The in-your-face evidence of political repression is unavoidable as you step over rubble and debris. To add further injury, the ROC billed TCG to finish clearing trash from the site.. The new building, not yet finished, had cost the group ten million NTD.


Taiwan Civil Government members are locked in a battle with the Republic of China in-exile.  The lopsided struggle of a grassroots advocacy group against an exiled government led to such drastic, authoritarian action as the destruction of TCG headquarters. Although prosecutors claim they are protecting group members from predatory leaders with fraud charges, the police conduct video surveillance of rank and file members in an apparent attempt to intimidate them from parading.


Prosecutors have also had their interrogators make a false claim of a faked photo of President Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to TCG members undergoing interrogation. In keeping with that deception the prosecutors have submitted to the court dozens of names of victims that deny their victimhood.  The recent death of TCG founder Roger Lin forced prosecutors to dismiss charges against him although they still seek to send his widow, Julian, to prison.

檢察官還令其審訊人員向正在接受審訊的TCG成員,謊稱特朗普總統顧問凱利安·康威(Kellyanne Conway)的偽造照片。為了配合這一騙局,檢察官向法院提交了數十名否認受害者身分的受害者名單。TCG創始人羅傑·林(Roger Lin)最近去世,迫使檢察官撤銷對他的指控,儘管他們仍試圖將其遺孀朱利安(Julian)送進監獄。

The destruction of TCG headquarters is a stark reminder of the ROC destruction of a Mount Zion church during the martial law era in the early 1980s.


The Grace of Jesus Christ Crusade and New Testament Church, a small Christian sect, believes a mountain in Taiwan, which they have named Mount Zion, is the earthly home of God. The true believers acquired land in the mountains outside Kaohsiung in 1979 after a vision of prophet Elijah Hong that the hillside was the Lord’s house as prophesied in the Bible. They built a road, dug a lake, planted fields and orchards, and built homes and a church. Although the small group spent most of their time on the mountain building their community they attracted unwelcome attention from ROC political spies under dictator Chiang Ching-kuo. The church members often dressed alike, enjoyed waving the church flag, and entertained foreign visitors which signaled to Chiang’s authoritarian government the group was political in nature.

耶穌基督十字軍和新約教會,一個小的基督教教派,他們相信台灣的一座山,他們稱為錫安山,是神的塵世故鄉。真正的信徒於1979年因為先知以利亞.洪(Elijah Hong)在聖經中預言山坡是上帝的家,並於1979年在高雄郊外的山上獲得了土地。他們修了一條路,挖了一個湖,種了田地和果園,蓋了房屋和教堂。雖然這個小團體的大部分時間都在山上建立他們的社區,但卻引起了獨裁者蔣經國統治下的中華民國政治間諜的不受歡迎的關注。教會成員經常穿著相同的衣服,喜歡揮舞教會旗幟,並招待外國遊客,這向蔣介石的獨裁政府表明該組織是政治性質的。

Prophet Hong decried “the attacks of the Kuomintang regime, which used their party, military, police, intelligence, and media to carry out their persecution.”


ROC security forces evicted the church members from their homes and set up roadblocks and checkpoints to prevent their return. Bulldozers and wrecking equipment were sent in to demolish the structures including the house of worship and a sacred prayer tower. After the community was driven from their homes and the church demolished, the harried group moved to a nearby riverbed and camped along the river for several years, suffering from floods and other hardships. In 1985, the ROC arrived at the river encampment and demolished a shanty church building erected by the homeless Christians.


Now in 2019 the same wrecking tactics used against the Mount Zion church people have been resurrected against Taiwan Civil Government. Because of media manipulation at the time of the fraud arrests no one is paying attention to what has been happening against the group and the shocking return of martial law era tactics. The Taiwanese public would be wise to condemn this blatant return to authoritarianism.



檢視次數: 190

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