Downloading Publications
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has made files for the Ready Campaign's publications available to the public to download at no cost. As a result, organizations can reproduce these materials to help expand the reach with this critical information.
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A two page form intended to help families document information necessary after an emergency.
Family communication plan template designed for kids to organize emergency contact phone numbers and identify an emergency meeting place.
Family communication plan template designed for parents to organize emergency contact phone numbers and identify an emergency meeting place.
家族の緊急時計画 災害時に連絡を取り家族の所在を確認するための家族の緊急時計画
A comprehensive list of suggested materials to use in order to prepare for emergencies in one's home and for their families.
Items to consider for a Basic Family Emergency Supply list.
基本的な防災用品キットに入れる推奨用品 家庭における緊急時に備えるための、提案されている家族用の防災用品の総合リスト
基本應變救急包中應包含的建議項目 一份綜合性的建議材料清單的使用,以便為住家和家人做好應急準備。
A comprehensive brochure explaining the key steps to emergency preparedness, including: being informed, making a plan, building a kit, and getting involved.
This common sense framework is designed to launch a process of learning about Citizen Preparedness. For the most current information and recommendations, go online to
今すぐに準備しましょう – 3ッ折 米国民とその家族を対象とした緊急時への備えに関する全カラー、両面印刷の3ッ折の案内書
請立即做好準備 (Get Ready Now) 三摺手冊 全彩色、雙面三摺手冊,為國人及其家屬解釋應急準備的重要性
A unique brochure containing information for pet owners and suggestions for proactive pet emergency preparedness.
Create a preparedness plan for your pets and their well being during emergency situations.
ペットに関する備え – 3ッ折 ペットの飼い主を対象とした手引きおよびペットのための緊急時に対する事前の備えについての提案の両面印刷の3ッ折の案内書
「準備好寵物」三摺手冊 雙面三摺手冊,為寵物主提供事前為寵物做好應急準備的資訊和建議
A unique brochure with information specific to Older Americans and tips on how to prepare for emergency situations
Preparing Makes Sense for Older Americans. Get Ready Now. The likelihood that you and your family will recover from an emergency tomorrow often depends on the planning and preparation done today. While each person’s abilities and needs are unique, every individual can take steps to prepare for all kinds of emergencies from fires and floods to potential terrorist attacks. By evaluating your own personal needs and making an emergency plan that fits those needs, you and your loved ones can be better prepared. This guide outlines commonsense measures older Americans can take to start preparing for emergencies before they happen. Preparing makes sense for older Americans. Get Ready Now.
米高齢者のための備え – 4ッ折 米高齢者を対象とした手引きと緊急時への備え方に関するアドバイスを提供する全面カラー、両面印刷の4ッ折の案内書
「年長人士」四摺手冊 全彩色、雙面四摺手冊,專為年長人士提供資訊和如何為緊急狀況做好準備的要訣
A unique brochure with information specific to Americans with disabilities and other access and functional needs regarding emergency preparedness.
Your ability to recover from an emergency tomorrow may depend on the planning and preparation you do today. This guide provides tips which individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs, and the people who assist and support them, can take to prepare for emergencies before they happen.
障害者と特別支援が必要な人のための備え 障害者と特別支援を必要とする米国民を対象とした緊急時への備えに関する案内書となる全面カラー、両面印刷の4ッ折の案内書
「殘障與特殊需要人士」手冊 全彩色、雙面四摺手冊,專為殘障和有其他特殊需要的人士提供應急準備的資訊
Have a plan for traveling between work and home, and other commonly visited locations, in case of an emergency.
Make sure you have a plan for traveling between work and home, and other commonly visited locations, in case of an emergency. Before an emergency happens, list your normal and some alternative routes you can use to get to your destinations. Keep a copy of this plan in your wallet or another safe place where you can access it in the event of a disaster.
Last updated: 03/17/2014 - 04:00 PM
2014/7/31 高雄氣爆,數處大爆炸波及 3 平方公里,類似情況,你該怎麼辦?