


美國聯邦法官認為:或許1946年卻是存在者美華間代理關係無誤However, even if one were to accept, arguendo, that such an agency relationship existed in 1946
Accordingly, the Court finds that Plaintiffs have alleged “factsshowing disadvantage to themselves as individuals,” so as to demonstrate that they have “such a
personal stake in the outcome of the controversy as to assure [] concrete adverseness.” Baker, 369 U.S. at 205, 206.


The FSIA﹀s term ‥United States〃 is narrowly construed to mean only ‥
the continental United States and those islands that are part of the United States and its
possessions,〃 Amerada Hess, 488 U.S. at 440, and does not include territories over which the United States might exercise some form of jurisdiction. See id. at 440-41; Persinger v. Islamic Rep. of Iran, 729 F.2d 835, 839 (D.C. Cir. 1984).

even if Taiwan could have been considered ‥within the United States〃 in 1946 for the purposes of the FSIA﹀s tort exception

the Court finds it unnecessary to resolve Defendant Republic of China﹀s contentions that the tort of ‥arbitrary denationalization〃is not a tort recognized under the exception or that the Republic of China﹀s decisions fall within the discretionary function exception under ” 1605(a)(5)(A).

Here, Plaintiffs allege no facts plausibly demonstrating how the sought declaration, if issued by this Court, would be used ‥within international bodies such as the United Nations [] to end their statelessness.〃 Pls.﹀ Opp﹀n to USA﹀s Mot. at 39. A

Judge Collyer also noted that the plaintiffs were asking the court to ‥catapult over〃 a decision by the political branches to ‥ obviously and intentionally not recognize[] any power as sovereign over Taiwan.〃 Id. at 179 (emphasis in original). G


Plaintiffs assert that they do not claim to be Japanese nationals, but rather claim to be stateless persons, whose statelessness began with the illegal deprivation of their, and their descendants’, Japanese nationality.” Id. at 38-39.

Here, the relief sought by Plaintiffs—a declaration stating that the Republic of China’s nationality decrees are legally invalid—would not redress their alleged injury as “stateless persons” who lack an internationally recognized nationality. In fact, Plaintiffs do not even attempt to argue that the declaration that Plaintiffs are seeking would provide them with an internationally recognized nationality or directly affect their nationality status. See Pls.’ Opp’n to USA’s Mot. at 38-39. R

林2案美國聯邦法官再度裁決台灣島為美軍佔領區。最高法院有關美國軍政佔領古巴島,期間設立古巴民政府之案例NEELY V HENKE及其自美國非合併領土佔領區引渡嫌疑犯人,不算條約引渡,而是軍政總督轉移嫌疑犯人而已,是美國國內法,也證明了為何馬英九總統遲遲得不到引渡協議。因台灣島屬美軍佔領區,因此無須引渡,只要依法轉移嫌疑人。參照聯邦法典外國領土佔領區嫌疑犯人轉移規定﹕18章節3185條

If so held, such person shall be returned and surrendered to the authorities
in control of such foreign country or territory on the order of the Secretary
of State of the United States, and such authorities shall secure to such
a person a fair and impartial trial.

台灣民政府 秘書長 林 志昇

檢視次數: 1831

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