美國在台協會(AIT)和駐美國台北經濟文化代表處(TECRO)在2016年4月4日簽署了一份就國際快速通關旅客計劃進行合作的聯合聲明。聯合聲明中概述AIT和TECRO將如何共同努力擴大美國海關暨邊境保護局(CBP)的全球入境計劃(Global Entry program)以及台灣移民署(NIA)的入出國自動查驗通關系統(E-gate program),將來自美國與台灣符合條件的旅客納入這兩個系統。這兩個系統將允許預先獲准及低風險的旅客,在抵達特定入境關口時快速入境。根據聯合聲明中的條款,AIT和TECRO將於美國方面促進國土安全部與海關暨邊境保護局之間的合作,並於台灣方面促進內政部與移民署之間的合作。此聯合聲明係由 AIT執行理事唐若文(Joseph R. Donovan Jr.)與TECRO代表沈呂巡所簽署。過去三十多年來,美國與台灣雙邊的民間關係享有堅實的基礎。自2012年宣布台灣加入免簽證計劃以來,從台灣前往美國的旅客已成長逾50%,越來越多的美國人也到台灣旅行;美國目前是台灣第五大外國旅客來源,也是前十名之中唯一一個亞洲以外的國家。多年來,AIT和TECRO共同合作增進兩邊社會之間的互動,而今天的聯合聲明為雙邊的努力再添新頁。(以上是中華民國報紙新聞)
林2控案美國聯邦法官再度裁決:台灣島為美軍佔領區。最高法院有關美國軍政佔領古巴島期間,設立古巴民政府之案例NEELY V HENKEL及其自美國非合併領土佔領區,引渡嫌疑犯人不算條約引渡,而是軍政總督轉移嫌疑犯人而已,美國國內法也證明了:為何中華民國馬英九總統遲遲得不到引渡協議。
事實上,英國國會清楚聲稱日華和約(台北條約)跟台灣島並無任何關係。 http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/commons/1955/may/04/far-east-formosa-and-the-pescadores Mr. Dulles at a Press conference on 1st December was reported as saying when he was asked whether the legal position of the coastal islands was different from that of Formosa: The legal position is different by virtue of the fact that technical sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores has never been settled. That is because the Japanese Peace Treaty merely involves a renunciation by Japan of its right and title to these islands. But the future title is not determined by the Japanese Peace Treaty; nor is it determined by the Peace Treaty which was concluded between the Republic of China and Japan. Therefore the juridical status of these islands, Formosa and the Pescadores, is different from the juridical status of the offshore islands. 台灣島目前並不歸屬台灣島民。跟流亡台北市的中華民國一樣,島民和ROC沒有領土,請問怎麼去建國﹖美國戰勝了日本敵國台灣島,尚未放棄征服權的職權,目前還在佔領中,特別是美國國會也沒同意島民自治或自決。美國務院只是同意台灣管理當局自治而已,這是美國允許於美國軍事政府現狀下維持高度自律(AUTONOMY)﹐ NOMY律法之意思,台灣人不要搞錯。
see "any of the Allied Powers or its nationals in the areas referred to in Article 2 shall, insofar as this has not already been done, be returned by the administering authority in the condition in which it now exists. (The term nationals whenever used in the present Treaty includes juridical persons.)"
if the Formosans were Allied Powers nationals (ie ROC Taiwan nationals) then Article 4(a) would not have been written to define then residents on Formosa, or the presently administering authorities... they would merely have included the Formosans as Allied Powers and its nationals...
hence the Treaty means the islanders are not ROC Taiwanese...they are Japanese Formosans.....moreover the US uses the term "administering authority", from Article 73 of the UN Charter
SFPT Article 4(a) refers to native Formosans as "the residents (including juridical persons) thereof, "in other words the Treaty refers to Japanese (racially speaking) as nationals of Japan,without denying that Formosans are also citizens of Japan while residents of Formosa...
台灣民政府 秘書長 林 志昇