
The United States has no official policy on what is required for recognition, according to its State Department. Instead, the decision to recognize a State is made by the President. Then, the President decides whether to establish diplomatic relations with the State based on U.S. national interests, so when Taiwan ask for recognition. Be sure to explain how your new country will be good for America. 美國國務院的作法,一般並無官方政策作為「承認的認定」要件,而是由總統依美國利益考量決定是否與其建立外交關係。因此,當台灣要「地位正常化」時,要取得美國承認,務必對美國總統說明,台灣「地位正常化」對美國究竟會有什麼好處?

International recognition is what gives a country legitimacy in the international community. Recognition is quite complicated because it combines international law and international politics. 一個國家須經國際承認,然後才能取得立足國際社會之合法性,「承認」是相當複雜,其中結合了國際法裡和國際政治。

The international law, which is often based on custom, the longer you can maintain your de facto sovereignty, the more likely you are to be accepted to become a country.(unless, of course, you are Taiwan)國際法經常是依習慣法則而定,能維持實質主權越久者,就越有可能被接受,成為一個國家。(當然,台灣是美軍佔領區,未解決政治問題前,不可能國際地位正常化)。


依照聯合國憲章第十一章第七十三條CHAPTER XI Article 73
Members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost, within the system of international peace and security established by the present Charter, the well- being of the inhabitants of these territories, and, to this end:
b. to develop self-government, to take due account of the political aspirations of the peoples, and to assist them in the progressive development of their free political institutions, according to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and their varying stages of advancement;
檢視聯合國憲章第七十三條,對於舊金山和約中的日皇被佔領區台灣而言,完全符合在美國軍事政府管轄下,聯合國會員國負有管理責任輔導,當地人民達成完全「自我管理」亦即「自治」者,除了美國以外不做第二人想。Taiwan cession is a non-self governing territory under Article 73 of the UN Charter and is held as quasi-trusteeship of USMG under Neely v. Henkel, 1901.

美國政府今日所犯「有意或無意」的錯誤,在於縱容流亡中國政府在台灣「存在現實的政治面」,威壓(overrule)「台灣民政府(Taiwan civil government)」「存在的法理面」,嚴重誤導國際人士的觀感,事實上,Governing authority on Taiwan並不等於Taiwan government(台灣政府),媒體在中資操控之下,「台灣總統」、「台灣政府」、「台灣隊」不斷出現,愚弄台灣人民,台灣至今還沒有「台灣總統」的選舉,何來「台灣總統」?何來「台灣政府」?都是一派胡言亂語、是詐騙集團的標準手段!


「Page 180 U.S. 109」The facts above detailed make it clear that within the meaning of the act of June 6th, 1900, Cuba is foreign territory. It cannot be regarded, in any constitutional, legal, or international sense, a part of the territory of the United States.
[Page 180 U.S. 109, 120] It is true that as between Spain and the United States-indeed, as between the United States and all foreign nations-Cuba, upon the cessation of hostilities with Spain and after the treaty of Paris, was to be treated as if it were conquered territory. But as between the United States and Cuba that island is territory held in trust for the inhabitants of Cuba, to whom it rightfully belongs, and to whose exclusive control it will be surrendered when a stable government shall have been established by their voluntary action.
In his message to Congress of December 6th, 1898, the President said that, 'as soon as we are in possession of Cuba and have pacified the island, it will be necessary to give aid and direction to its people to form a government for themselves,' and that, 'until there is complete tranquility in the island and a stable government inaugurated, military occupation will be continued.'
美國總統(William Mckinely)於1898年12月6日致書國會稱:「我方佔領並且平息古巴島後,必須立即協助及輔導當地人民,設立他們自己的政府。在該島完全平靜及穩定政府(民政府)正式運作前,軍事政府仍然持續。」

百年以前,美國總統William Mckinely很明確地按照憲法規定,指示美軍在佔領古巴後,要協助古巴人設立民政府,然而,68年前,美國總統杜魯門占領日本台灣以後,卻忽視日本台灣佔領後有義務協助本土台灣人依照戰爭法設立自己的「台灣民政府」。

舊金山和約第二b條第四b條與第二十三條規定,美國與台灣領土建立「法理關係」,美國因此依聯合國憲章第七十三條,有責任使和約第二b條所包含地區人民能達成「自治」,縱然美國不能親自(as principal)來台執行管轄,仍有責任要求其委託的代理(as agent)流亡中國政權,協助台灣人民設立「台灣民政府」,讓本土台灣人能夠執行「台灣自治」狀態,不是任由「中國殖民政權」胡作非為。


作者:林 志 昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣民政府 秘書長

檢視次數: 1322

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